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Waking up was slightly disappointing, as Shannon was no longer in the bed beside me. Fortunately, this time, I didn't believe I felt her up. Point one for Lindsay.

Why do teachers always have to get to school early? They should get to sleep in too!

Groaning and stretching my muscles, I trudged to my bathroom to get ready for the day. Thirty minutes later, and I was prepared for whatever the day threw at me. Exiting my bedroom, I was surprised to see a note laying perfectly perpendicular to the edge of the kitchen counter. 


Thank you for your hospitality, I enjoyed myself last night. Don't worry, your hand wasn't on my boob when I woke up. 

I'm going to give this note-writing thing a go, so: any of us have the capacity to light up a room. Some when they enter, others when they leave it. I'll leave it up to you to contemplate which one you are! 

See you at school,

Professor Shannon Monet

I couldn't stop smiling. Everything she said, everything she did, made me happy. I knew school was going to be good, because I'd get to see Shannon again. 


University was as great as I expected it to be. Shannon was wearing a beautiful skirt and blazer combo that was professional, yet absolutely captivating. Returning home, I set out to clean up the bedroom that I had left messy when I departed for school. 

Living in a pile of mess was not something I was prepared to do. Step one was making my bed. I rearranged the duvet, tucking it under the mattress. As I leaned over to tuck in the opposite side of the bed, I got a huge whiff of Shannon's perfume, still radiating from where she had slept the night before. I opened the blinds, letting the setting sun warm the house. Finally, I got to work on picking up the clothing and items strewn across my bedroom floor. 

Almost five minutes later, and I could finally see the ground of my room, only a few items left to clean. I picked up a throw blanket that must have slipped from the bed during the night, As I picked it up, I felt an odd fabric, different to the fur that covered the rug, underneath it. I grabbed hold of the odd material, chucking the fur blanket onto the edge of the bed. 

My whole body went stiff and my eyes bulged as I realised what I was holding. 

I was holding Shannon's bra

My left fingertips were gripping the inside of the cup that her breasts had accommodated the day before, with my other hand looped through an arm hole, while holding the strap. The feeling that consumed me was odd. Sure, I had a bra. I wore a bra. But, this was Shannon's bra. And had been on Shannon's boobs. 

I started to imagine her in the lacy red bra that was resting in my hands. My emotions were so overwhelming, and I couldn't quite pin point why I was acting so extremely.

I heard the recognisable sound of my bedroom door creaking open, and spun around to see Shannon standing in the archway. I just stood there, facing her, holding her bra, in my hands. 

"Hi, I just-" Shannon started, then spotted the lacy item in my hands. Her cheeks blushed a bright crimson red, somehow accentuating the bright green of her irises.

Awkwardly, I held the bra out for Shannon to accept as we both avoided eye contact.

Her fingertips grazed my own as she retrieved her clothing from me. The tension that followed couldn't be cut with a twelve-inch donkey dong with a sword protruding from the tip.

That's how awkward it was.

"I'm sorry, I should have knocked," Shannon mumbled, trying to hide her bra in her hands.

I just giggled, realising the humour in the situation, and joked, "at least I wasn't naked!"

This comment earned me eye contact from Shannon and an odd look.

"Mhm," she replied.

Shannon seemed to stare into the distance for the moment, before snapping out of her dazed state.

I could only hope she was thinking about me.

"I actually came here to let you know that dinner was ready. You know, before we were... interrupted," Shannon smirked.

"Better not keep Alex waiting, it's lasagna night," I laughed.

Shannon shot me a questioning look, unaware of Alex's extreme love for lasagna.

"Don't worry, you'll see," I warned, as we headed to the catastophe that I knew would be Alex eating all of the dinner.


Arriving at the dinner table, Alex and Mom were already seated beside each other, leaving Shannon and I to sit next to one another, opposite them.

As I sat, Mom seemed to accidently knock her cutlery off the table, causing it to tumble underneath our dining set-up.

"Lindsay, could you please grab that for me before you sit down?" Mom asked, after I had taken my seat at the table.

I glanced under to locate the missing cutlery, and found it resting almost directly under her feet, and I was unable to reach them from where I was sitting.

"Mom, they're right under your feet!" I complained.

"I'll move my feet! Just pick up the cutlery for your crippled old mother and get me some new ones," Mom whined.

I sighed heavily, sliding my chair back so that I could crawl under the table to retrieve the knife and fork.

Turning around, I was surprised to come almost face on with Shannon's knees. I hadn't noticed that I was so close to her, but it was to be expected as my Mom was seated across from Shannon.

The situation wouldn't be as bad if Shannon's knees were all I could see, but they were not. I had the perfect view up Shannon's skirt, and at her panties. They were a familiar red, and I was almost certain that they matched the bra I had found earlier.

I stared at Shannon for way too long, and hastily tried to pull away from underneath the table.

As I re-emerged, I was fortunate enough to bang the back of my head against the table edge. My face would've been brightly flushed, as I looked away from the others seated.

"Are you okay, Lindsay?" Shannon asked, checking to see that my head wasn't bleeding.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine," I tried to smile, unable to look Shannon directly in the eyes.

"Are you sure, Lindsay? You look awfully flushed!" My Mom commented.

"Yes. I'll just go grab that spare cutlery," I murmured, excusing myself from the table, and rushing to the kitchen.

I started breathing heavily as I leaned against the counter top, trying to calm myself down.

"Hey, Lindsay, you okay?" Alex asked, following me into the kitchen.

"I saw her pussy," I blurted.

Alex almost started laughing, looking at me wide-eyed.

"Well, I mean, just the outline of her lips. You know, through her panties," I tried to explain.

"Is that why you look like you've had twenty-three orgasms straight?" Alex asked.

I hit her hard on the arm, and was able to calm myself down.

"Not a word of this to my Mom, okay?" I threatened, turning and walking back into the dining room.

As I departed, I was sure I heard Alex mumble something, but decided against turning around, and returned to what I knew would be a very awkward dinner on my part.

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Stay safe xx

- T.J Starc

The Professor: AKA My Mom's Best Friend (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now