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*Lindsay's POV*

"Stop pinching me!" I yelled, trying to hit Alex away with one arm.

"You know you shouldn't be doing anything strenuous, yet you decided to flip into the water with a banged up shoulder. You're a complete idiot," she whined.

"Hey! It didn't even hurt, I was careful," I responded, holding my tired shoulder, "it's just tired."

"Mhmm," she nodded, then flicked my shoulder.

"Ouch! Well it hurts when you flick it!"

"No more water, Lindsay!"

"We're at a lake house, Alex. That's all there is to do," I reasoned.

"Nope. Go read a book with Shannon or something," Alex sighed, pointing at Shannon who was curled up on the large hammock outside, reading a book.

"A book? I didn't realize I lived with three teachers."

Rolling her eyes, Alex walked off yelling, "go to your room!"

I decided to interrupt Shannon's reading time, because that's how much of a lovely person I was. 

I couldn't believe this beautiful woman was a day over thirty. Her hair was a deep, jet black, with not a hair of grey to be seen. Her body was tight, yet curvaceous. She was no longer in her blue bikini, which disappointed me a little bit, but instead was covering it by a warm-coloured kaftan. The bright colours complimented her hair, and when she looked up at me with those big green eyes, her whole outfit felt complete. She was absolutely breath-taking. 

"What are you staring at?" Shannon joked, cocking her head to the side.

"Your smoking body!" I replied, not even trying to hide my flattering remark this time. 

She smiled lightly, focussing her eyes back on the book she was reading. 

"Whatcha reading?" 

"Oh, it's nothing," she mumbled, hiding the book behind her knees. 

"Come on, I wanna know now," I laughed, moving closer. 

"Fine, but don't judge!" She said seriously, giving me an unidentifiable look. 

Shannon handed me the book and I read the title, "My Godmother Is A Pornstar?"

I tried to hold in my laugh, but it was way too much, and I started wheezing in laughter. 

First, Shannon just shot daggers at me, but soon joined in as we continued to laugh ourselves some abs. 

"What's it about?" I asked, after regaining some composure. 

"Well, I'm not that far into it, but the gist is: there is this eighteen year old girl, Emerson. She starts to question her sexuality when she discovers that her thirty-one year old godmother, Sidney, makes a living as a pornstar. And to makes things more interesting, a lesbian pornstar. Emerson starts flirting with Sidney, catching her eye. Then it's pretty much a big cat-and-mouse game."

"Wow... that's... interesting, to say the least," I murmured, flushed with colour. 

"Jess actually recommended the book. She said that it would be nice to read it next to the lake. I'm not really sure why, but it's definitely an intriguing tale," Shannon smirked, placing the book back on her lap. 

"How's your shoulders feeling?" Shannon queried, worry evident on her face, "I'm sorry I let you do all that swimming, I didn't even realise you were recovering from an injury."

"It's not your fault, Shannon," I smiled, "I missed the water so much, I would have gotten in anyway. Speaking of swimming, you were pretty good out there, do you swim often?"

The Professor: AKA My Mom's Best Friend (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now