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*Lindsay's POV*

Her walls went up faster than the speed of light.

Shannon drifted off to sleep in my arms, and I decided to inform Mom about how the day had unfolded. She apologised that she couldn't warn me, but that it wasn't her place to disclose information about another person's health and wellbeing. She knew what it was like to be outed in such a way, and would never reveal anyone's mental health history. 

The next morning, Shannon had left for work before any of us could even wake up. I tried messaging over thirty times, but to no avail. I left for a physiotherapy appointment, but not before attempting to call Shannon, which was met with her voicemail. 

Putting Shannon out of my mind for a short while, I focussed on the good news I received during physio. I would have to rest up for a couple more weeks, then I could get back into training. I felt pure joy knowing I'd be able to return to the sport I loved, but the moment passed when I recalled that Shannon still wasn't answering her phone. 

Heading towards the college, I bee-lined for Shannon's office. I knew she'd likely have a class, but that didn't stop me from wanting to sit in her comfy chair or wanting to write her another note. 

When I made it to Office Room 13, I knocked respectfully, before attempting to let myself in. I walked into the door, expecting it to be unlocked and swing open in front of me. It was not unlocked.

With a frown, I turned to walk away, but stopped, hearing a small noise from the other side of the door. I tried the handle again, somehow believing that my strength could magically make it unlock. 

"Shannon?" I whispered through the door. 

I received no reply. 

Looking around, the hallway was clear, with no one in sight. 

I lowered myself to the ground in a push-up pose, trying to look under the door. 

"Shannon?" I whispered again, underneath the crack in the door. 

I heard footsteps approaching from down the hallway, so jumped up and leaned against the doorframe acting as nonchalant as possible. After the student had passed, I walked over to the printer beside the staircase and retrieved a piece of paper. 

Pulling a pen out of my pocket, I started writing my note whilst leaning against Shannon's door.


Please let me in. I will support you in any way I can.

We all have demons, all have lives, that we fight for and against every day. I don't know much about yours yet, but I know I want to be a part of it. 

Please let me in. I'll tell you a funny fact, I'll listen to anything you have to say, I'll even sit in silence as long as I know you're safe. 

I know this won't be nearly as amusing compared to if I could say it to your face, but: Did you know that orgasms were once thought to "cure hysteria" in women? It was an official diagnosis by some doctors.

I hope that at least made you smile, but if it didn't, I have many more in my eccentric brain. Just come find me. 

Please be safe, Shannon Monet. 

From one of the many people who care about you, 

Lindsay xoxo

I folded the note in half, before slipping it under the door. Resting my forehead against the cold oak, I let out a large sigh before walking away. 

The next few days continued the same way. Shannon would be gone before we woke, her office door was always locked, she would either eat dinner out, or in her room, and then would lock herself in her bedroom for the whole night. Even my Mom had started to really worry, which increased my anxiety levels further. 

I sat in the main house living room with Alex trying to come up with ways that we could help Shannon. Mom had already tried talking to her, several times, and got in touch with an old shrink of Shannon's for some techniques and advice. Nothing conventional seemed to be working, and I wracked my brain in search of a solution. 

"I don't know what to do, Alex," I sighed, leaning my head back, over the top of the couch, whilst staring at the ceiling. 

"I know, Lindsay," Alex comforted, "Jess has tried everything she could think of. We'll find a way to get through to Shannon. Maybe we just need to give her some time."

"I don't want to give her time," I groaned, "I want her to get better. To be happy again."

We sat in silence, and I felt as though Alex was staring at me. 

"Just say what you want to say, Alex," I sighed, continuing to stare at the beige painted roof.

"This is really hurting you isn't it?" Alex asked, "I mean, Shannon hurting is causing you real pain, isn't it?"

I met her eyes with my own stare, and furrowed brows, "Of course it's hurting me. I don't want to see anyone is pain. Especially not Shannon," I mumbled. 

Alex hmm'd, "You really care about her, Lindsay. We'll get your woman out of this, I promise."

"Thank you, Alex. I appreciate it," I smiled. 

Alex stared at me, as if she was expecting me to say something further, before looking down with a devilish smirk. 


The next morning, I woke up at 4am and made my way to the main house. I tried to keep the noise down as I cooked some breakfast for Shannon. If she was going to get up early, then I was going to get up even earlier to see her before she left. I could hear the faint patter of the shower running, alerting me that Shannon was already up. 

Arranging my ingredients, I got to work on one of my favourite recipes. Almost ten minutes later, and everything was plated up and looking amazing. The shower had stopped running, and I was expecting Shannon at any moment. 

She emerged from the hall, dressed and ready for the day, with a noticeable coldness to her features. 

"Shannon!" I whisper-shouted.

She spun my way, eyes widening, as she didn't expect anyone else to be up so early in the morning. 

"I made you waffles!"

She looked from me to the waffles, then back to me. She was so hard to read, and it frustrated me so much. 

"I can't, Lindsay. I have to go," she mumbled, the first words I had heard from her in almost a week. 

"No problem then. I packed some in this lunchbox for you to take with you. Voila! My mouth-watering blueberry waffles with maple syrup and cinnamon."

Shannon had no response as I handed her the pre-packed waffles. There was no way she could refuse my waffles now. 

Holding the breakfast, she looked at it with an unreadable expression. 

Meeting my eyes, she whispered ever-so-softly, "Thank you."

Before I could even open my mouth in response, she was out of the door, gone. I smiled to myself as I dug into my own waffles. 

I didn't need all of her attention. 

I didn't even need her to speak to me.

As long as she knew that I cared, that's all I needed. 

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Stay safe out there xx

- T.J Starc

The Professor: AKA My Mom's Best Friend (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now