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*Lindsay's POV*

Walking around the college aimlessly, I arrived at the entrance to the aquatic centre, in the mood to forget about the drama that had been surrounding Shannon and I's 'relationship'. I was lost, still not quite understanding where I went wrong, or what I could do to fix the situation. I loved Shannon and I wanted her to be my girl, but I didn't feel comfortable asking her during this argument. 

"Lindsay!" I heard a voice yell, then felt a hand tug at my wrist. The recognisable waft of men's deodorant flooded my nostrils as I spun around to face Gio. 

"Gio, what's up?" I asked, stepping aside, out of the way of the doors. 

His hand fell behind his neck, scratching at his spine, which I noticed that he did when he was nervous. His body language showed his slight discomfort and I started to worry. 

"I... we're friends, right? Like, we can still talk about anything?" Gio questioned, looking down towards the pavement. 

"Of course!" I nodded, sending him a curious glance, "what's wrong?"

"Well, I'm ready to move on, you know, after us and all. I wanted to ask your opinion on whether or not I should ask someone out? We kind of already know her."

"Oooooo, who is it?" I grinned, happy to see Gio smiling again.

"Well, Grace and I have been talking more frequently, and she played guitar for me the other day and it was so h-," Gio stopped short of explaining feelings I definitely did not need to know of. 

"Grace, huh?" I thought about it for a second, "I think you two would actually make a pretty cute couple. She's kind-hearted, you two get along, I think you should give it a shot. Ask her out!" 

"You really think so?" Gio's face lit up, "and it wouldn't be weird? Seeing us together like that?"

"You deserve to be happy, Gio. We both do. I'm glad you're moving on."

With a departing hug and kiss on the cheek, Gio skipped off in the direction of the cafeteria to ask out Grace. Turning back towards the glass door, I was shocked to see Shannon standing on the other side, arms crossed and a heavy scowl covering her face. 

Walking into the aquatic centre, I was glad there didn't seem to be many people around. I felt like I was in trouble again. 

"What's the matter, love?" I asked Shannon as I walked towards the change rooms. 

"Really? That's all? After what I just saw?" Shannon started to grow louder, but luckily we hadn't attracted any attention yet. 

"What you just saw? You mean Gio and I having a conversation?"

Shannon scoffed, "a conversation? The kiss and the hug, Lindsay. Are you still seeing him?"

"Shannon," I groaned, tired of the endless loop of jealousy. 

"Don't 'Shannon' me!"

A few heads turned our way, and I dragged Shannon into the change rooms to try and quieten her down. 

"Shannon, enough! I am tired of this shit. So. Fucking. Tired. I can't talk to anyone, I can't even look at people without you thinking I'm cheating! Who hurt you so fucking much that you can't trust that I am loyal to you, and you fucking only?" 

"I-i... I'm sorry, Lindsay. I guess I could've misinterpreted the situation wrong," she mumbled. 

"You know what, Shan? At this point, I don't care. It's not just once, it's constant. I am constantly left feeling guilty for having a NORMAL, civilised conversation with someone. You continue to blame me for your own insecurities. I need a break," I ranted, changing into my swimsuit and walking out of the change room, leaving Shannon behind. 

Expecting her to follow behind me, I was conflicted as I stood on the diving pad, ready to enter the water, alone. I know I would've chased after me. Was that her way of giving up? Was I overthinking it? Was she just respecting my space? Were 'we' over? With too many thoughts clouding my mind, I tugged on my goggles and dived into the water, releasing myself from the storm that was my mind. 

Why can't you trust me, Shannon?

Like most people, I found a certain amount of possessiveness attractive. The type where you're their's, and they're yours. Even if Shannon wanted to mark my whole body with love bites for the world to see, I'd be okay with that. I wasn't okay with this level of possessiveness though. The always questioning who I'm talking to, the lack of trust, the lack of commitment. The toxicity was seeping into our relationship like water into a broken boat, flooding all of the good times with these horrible, argumentative days. 

As I continued to glide through the water, I started questioning it all. Should we really commit to a relationship, when our 'situationship' is already this toxic? Would that label of girlfriends somehow change how Shannon acted? I knew in my mind, if anything, it'd only make it worse. 

Instead of bringing out the best in one another, we seemed to bring out the worst. 

I kept on swimming, focussing all of my energy on exhausting myself, but one question kept repeating in my mind. 

Is this the beginning of the end for Shannon and I? 

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Stay safe out there xx

- T.J Starc

The Professor: AKA My Mom's Best Friend (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now