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*Lindsay's POV*

Waking up the next day was nerve-wracking, to say the least. I was happy, but doubt started creeping in regarding Shannon's feelings. She acted like she was interested in me, we had sex, but we had never openly talked about our feelings, or if this thing between us was even heading anywhere. 

I guess today was the day for answers. 

About to open my guest house door, I jumped when Alex almost pushed it into my nose. 

"Jesus-fucking-Christ, Alex! Are you trying to kill me?" I groaned, attempting to calm my thumping heart. 

"If I wanted to kill you, you'd already be dead, Lindsay," Alex sang, walking into the kitchen like she owned the place. Which technically, she did. 

Closing the door behind her, I joined her in the kitchen, jumping to sit up on the counter. 

"I think that is the nicest thing you've ever said to me, Alex."

She cut her eyes at me, causing me to laugh. I love our dynamic. 

"Soooo," Alex dragged out, grabbing an apple to eat, "has Professor Monet stopped by this morning?"

I shook my head, playing with a loose thread that was hanging from my shirt, my change in posture evident. 

"You're different today?" Alex posed as a question, "has something changed?"

"No," I sighed, jumping off the counter to pace towards the living room, "my brain's just fighting itself. Letting doubt seep in."

"You don't let it, Lindsay Caldwell! You saw first-hand how that almost ruined Jess and I's relationship, don't let it happen to yours."

"The thing is, Shannon and I aren't even in a relationship. We haven't even shared our feelings for each other! It's impossible not to have doubt at this point. I can't be this hopelessly devoted to loving Shannon, without even being in a relationship. It's just crazy!" I rant. 

The next thing I know, I'm almost knocked out as Alex whacked me hard in the head with a pillow.

"Now, what the fuck was that for?" I groaned, falling into the sofa. 

"Trying to knock some sense into that pretty head of yours!"

"Aww, you called me pretty."

"Do you want me to hit you again?" Alex threatened, and I held my hands up to surrender. 

"I know, I know, my brain's just being paranoid, let's just forget about it. In better news, are you coming to the swimming competition on the weekend? You know I could use the support," I smiled, genuinely happy to be back in the pool. 

"You know your Mom and I will be there. Shannon will most likely be there, and I can ask Gio and Grace to come if you want?" Alex asked, "speaking of Shannon and swimming, don't you have training and your physio appointment in like an hour?"

Rolling my eyes, I threw my head back over the headrest, groaning, "can't I just forget about Shannon for two minutes?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Alex laughed, "we'll talk about something else."


An hour might sound like a while, but having to factor in a fifteen minute drive to the school caused Alex and I to cut our conversation short. 

The Professor: AKA My Mom's Best Friend (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now