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*Lindsay's POV*

Knocking on his door, I wasn't quite sure what I was doing.

"Lindsay, this is a pleasant surprise," beamed Gio, inviting me inside his apartment.

"Hi, Gio, I want to ask you something. You can say 'no', there's no pressure," I replied, fiddling with my fingers as I sat on his couch.

"Way to put me on the spot," he laughed it off, "Go on."

"I want to come with you to Italy."


"I want to come with you to Italy," I repeated, "I need a break, Gio. And that way we can tell your Mom together that we have split up. As long as you don't mind me tagging along."

Gio appeared flabbergasted, before replying, "Of course I don't mind, Linds. You're welcome any time."

I stood, wrapping my arms around Gio, emotions spiralling within my heavy mind.

"You don't know how much this means to me, Gio. I appreciate you."

"I love you, Lindsay. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. You better start packing. We leave the day after tomorrow!"

With that, I gave Giovanni a kiss on the cheek, before heading back to the guest house to pack.

Packing was one of my least favourite things. Ever. Ever. How was I supposed to fit my whole apartment into this tiny little suitcase?

"Alex The Great has returned!" Announced Alex, storming into my bedroom.

"Fuck me, Alex. Do I need to take your key?"

"1. No, ew. 2. It's my house, my key, my freedommmmm."

I rolled my eyes, ignoring Alex as I continued to pack.

"Why are you packing? Where are you going? What the fuck are you doing, Lindsay Caldwell?" Alex panicked.

"Calm down. I'm getting away like you recommended. I am going away with Gio to Italy."

"You're WHAT?" Alex yelled, "If you get back with that little boy, I swear to fucking Ru Paul-"

"We're not getting back together, Alex. It's just a holiday."

"One second," Alex mumbled, pulling out her phone.

"Hello, my beautiful darling, Jess. Please be so kind as to meet me in Lindsay's bedroom," Alex requested through her phone, "No, we're not fucking in here, I'm not a psycho, Jessica. Toodles."

Alex placed her phone back in her pocket, giving me the most innocent smile.

"Don't worry, the Warden is about to arrive. Get ready to receive an ass-whooping," Alex smiled, sickly.

"Alex, what do you want?" Mom sighed, dragging herself into the room.

"It's lovely to see you too, honey," Alex quipped, sarcastically, "Your stubborn daughter has decided to go on vacation with Giovanni."

"That's a great idea," Mom praised.

"No. No it's not, Jessica," Alex whispered, face-palming herself.

I rolled my eyes again, giggling at the interaction.

"I'm going, Alex. It's only three weeks. I'll be back before you know it," I announced.

"But Lindsayyyy," Alex whined.

I wrapped my arms around her, giving her a hug, "I love you too, Alex."

The Professor: AKA My Mom's Best Friend (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now