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*Jessica's POV* 

"Talk to me about what?" Alex asked, walking into the living room. 

"I'll go finish off dinner," Shannon announced, excusing herself. 

"Come sit with me," I patted the spot next to me on the couch. 

Alex looked hesitant, confused, and anxious as she plopped down next to me.

"What's the matter, Jess? Are you okay?" 

I nodded, taking a deep breath and looking into Alex's eyes. 

"I've been talking to Shannon about wanting a baby."

"Jess, you don't need to stress yourself out. I'll be as patient as you want," Alex kindly interrupted, placing her hand on my knee, lovingly.

"No, it was a good discussion, Alex. I'm not ready to go through IVF again, but I am ready for a baby. I want to start a family with you. How would you feel about looking into adoption?"

"Really?" She perked up, obviously excited. I nodded, a small smile creeping onto my face. 

"So? What do you think?"

"Let's go get ourselves a baby!" Alex exclaimed, grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the front door. 

"Alex!" I laughed, pulling back, "Why don't we wait until morning? When the office will actually be open?"

She looked out the window at the darkening night sky, "Right."

Alex and I entered the kitchen to find Shannon finishing cooking dinner. We set the table and dug in, wide smiles adorning both mine and Alex's faces. 

"Well?" Shannon asked, looking at us both expectantly. 

"What?" I queried, nonchalantly. 

"Well, maybe start with why you're both wearing shit-eating grins, and we'll go from there."

"We agreed that Alex and I will start the adoption process," I announced, feeling joy and excitement for the first time in a long time. 

"Congratulations to you both!" Shannon grinned, "You're both going to be incredible parents."

We continued eating, talking, and laughing, until the conversation fell to a particular woman. Lindsay. Lindsay had been sending Alex and I updates after she arrived in Italy with Giovanni. Beautiful photos of the countryside and aerial views from the plane. She was still struggling with how things ended with Shannon, but she was doing her best to move on. Shannon, on the other hand, was not dealing with it well. She hadn't yet found the closure or escape that Lindsay had. 

"Shan, how have you been handling things?" I asked, tentatively. 

She took a deep breath and nodded calmly, "I'm doing the best I can."

"If it's any consolation, Lindsay has been doing better since arriving in Italy. She and Gio look like they're having fun," Alex murmured, before munching on a slice of garlic bread. 

"Alex," I whisper-shouted, kicking her under the table.

"No, it's okay, Jess. I'm glad Lindsay's happy," Shannon smiled, weakly, "Even if it's by running away from me."

The dinner quickly turned awkward as we finished up the meal. I cleared the table, and when I returned, Shannon was gone. 

*Shannon POV*

My mind was racing. I thought it was bad when Lindsay was here, but now, she was on the other side of the world with her ex-boyfriend. That. That was considerably worse. Everyone knows after a bad breakup you go through a rebound stage. Find an ex or a stranger and fuck until you forget about your life. I'd done it before. 

The Professor: AKA My Mom's Best Friend (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now