Sneak Peek

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This chapter contains a Sneak Peek at Book 3- The Ex: AKA The One Who Got Away


*Lindsay's POV*

I walked through the bustling halls of Los Angeles General Hospital, weaving my way through the crowds. I could see Helena's office at the end of the hall, her door closed, but the large metal letters of her name stood out.

Grabbing ahold of the handle, I pushed open the door, ready to greet my wife after a long day at work.

I came to an abrupt halt when I noticed someone in the chair opposite Helena's desk, their back to me. I looked up at Helena with shock and regret. I just walked in on her and a patient. That's why she'd always tell me to knock first.

"Lindsay, get out! I'm with a patient," Helena hissed at me, yet her kindness was still evident through her gaze. That's one of the reasons why I loved her. She could be yelling at me but would still be the kindest, most caring person in the world.

"I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. I'll be outside," I apologised, then went to close the door when I heard the loud screech of a chair being pushed back.

"Lindsay?" A voice called out. But not Helena's voice. I knew this voice. Perhaps a little too well. I opened the door fully, and our eyes met.


My heart started to race, and my palms grew sweaty. I hadn't seen Shannon in... a long time.

"Shannon," I breathed, releasing the oxygen I was harbouring.

Helena's eyes widened, "This is the Shannon?"

I had no words, but two pairs of eyes stared deeply into my soul.

"How do you two know each other?" Shannon asked cautiously.

I stood frozen, still not comprehending what was happening. The world was spinning too fast. Or maybe that was just my head.

"Lindsay is my wife," Helena stated, rather warned.

Shannon nodded her head and smiled, and I excused myself from the uncomfortable situation.

Breathe in and out. In and out. I groaned loudly as I sat on the chair outside of Helena's office. I didn't need this. Not now, not ever. My wife didn't deserve this. Just thinking about the two of them in an office together made me extremely uncomfortable. I didn't even know why they were meeting anyway.

Helena said 'patient'. Was Shannon sick? Was she okay?

My heart rate started to pick up again. I started pacing around the hall. No matter how we left things, I never stopped caring about Shannon. She had to be alright.

Keep an eye out :)

- T.J Starc

The Professor: AKA My Mom's Best Friend (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now