Being the soulmate of the Dark Lord isn't all its cracked up the be, he's controlling, manipulative, and sometimes he's abusive.
After preforming a spell in his 5th year to find his soulmate, using a book he'd found in the restricted section, it lea...
I'd apparently fallen asleep at some point, because when I woke up Tom and Evan were both gone which was convenient for me, it gave me the chance to cover up the bruises that were clearly visible before anyone saw them.
I walked over to Evan's wardrobe, pulling out one of his quidditch jumpers and pulling it over my head before walking out into the common room.
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I knew people would look at me funny, I was wearing a jumper in June!
Just like I'd thought everyone in the common room looked at me like I was insane, though Orion looked concerned.
During breakfast, Headmaster Dippet announced that the girl I'd seen the night before in the lavatory was in fact dead, her name was Myrtle Warren. I felt bad for her, she didn't deserve to die and it made me wonder what Tom had actually been doing.
I went to my classes like normal, it was a Monday and I didn't want to draw anymore attention to myself than I needed to. Not that wearing a heavy quidditch jumper in mid June didn't draw attention.
By the time I got to my potions lesson I was starting to overheat. I wanted nothing more than to take off the jumper but I knew the bruises were more than noticeable, they clearly stood out when you looked at my arms.
When Tom walked into class, he walked over and sat next to me.
"Who's jumper is that?" he asked, I couldn't tell if he was angry or jealous.
"Why do you care? It doesn't matter who's jumper it is." I replied
"It matters to me, now answer the question"
"It's Evan's, now please leave me alone."
"Why are you wearing a jumper in June?"
"I don't know Tom, why would I wear a jumper in June? Can you think of any reasons why I'd feel the need to cover my arms?"
"Maybe next time you'll learn to mind your own business"
He took out his wand, keeping it hidden under the table, and aimed it at my arms
"Cicatrix Absit"
I didn't know the spell he'd just cast, but after putting his wand back in his bag he looked at me
"Now take the jumper off, you look like an idiot."
"Of course I do...." I replied, pulling the jumper up over my head
The bruises were gone but the back of my head still hurt, not that I really cared at the moment. I was more concerned with the fact Tom was so close to me.
As soon as class ended I grabbed my things and walked out of the room before anyone else even had a chance to stand up.
I went to the common room and handed Evan his jumper to which he gave me a questioning look but didn't say anything.