Casting A Spell

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Tom sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Please cast the spell" he asked

"Oh, so the great Tom Riddle does know how to be polite? That's shocking!"

He dropped his hand to his side and he gave me a dirty look, which made me smirk.

After taking my wand out of my bag I cast the spell, making the same hand movement he had.

"Vita Socium"

The little pink light left my wand and went straight into his chest.

"Happy now?" I asked

"Not particularly, no" he replied angrily

"Sorry to disappointment"

"You're annoying Y/N, you know that?"

"Evan tells me daily, so yes, I'm aware."

He had his eyes closed and was pinching the bridge of his nose again, so I took the opportunity to move the book he'd slammed on the table so that it was facing me in order to read it.

"Soulmate Incantation"

"Well that's unfortunate" I said, making him look in my direction

"This will be interesting, tell me why it's unfortunate for you."

"Not for me, for you. I've been dating Orion for 6 months."

"That means absolutely nothing to me, I don't care."

"Well, if you were planning on finding your soulmate you're out of luck I'm afraid, I'm not available."

I started putting my books back in my bag, it was now 9:45 and I knew he'd actually take house points if I was out after curfew.

"That's not how soulmates work Y/N, it doesn't just magically change because you want to date Orion Black."

"Maybe not, but it does mean that whatever plans you had for when you found yours are now gone."

"We'll see about that"

With that I got up and walked around him, walking out the door and heading towards the dungeons.

The next day Orion pulled me aside while I was walking to class, pulling me into an empty classroom.

"We can't date anymore Y/N, I'm sorry." Orion kept looking out the door, it seemed like he was looking for someone or was afraid of something.

"What? Why?" I asked, heartbroken

"I just don't think this is going to work out, it's just not what I want."

"Is this about Tom?"

He inhaled sharply and looked at me for the first time since he'd pulled me into the empty room.

"Why would it be about Tom?"

"He did this spell in the library last night..."

"I don't care what he did Y/N, it's not about Riddle. I just don't want to be with you anymore, I'm sorry."

With that he walked back out the door without waiting for me to reply.

Later that day, while I was sitting in the court yard, Tom came over and sat next to me on the bench I was sitting on.

"Sorry to hear about you and Orion." He stated smugly

"I'm sure you are" I didn't even bother looking at him, I was irritated with the entire situation and I knew he was behind it.

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