Starting A New •

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Tom and I stayed on the floor like that for what felt like hours, I only pulled away when I heard someone knocking on the door.

"Is he really back? After everything we just fought about?" Tom asked sadly

"No, love, it's Evan. They decided to take turns coming over. Brax is coming back tomorrow, and I'll talk to him about what he said the other day. We need to talk about us later though."

"You just said you're not going to leave me, and now you want to talk? That doesn't sound very good Y/N."

"I'm not leaving, we need to talk about communication. What we're doing right now clearly isn't working."


"I'm not leaving Tom, I promise, not unless you physically hurt me again. We just need to work on us, and we can do that together. We're going to be ok, but you have to be willing to talk to me."

When I got up and started heading towards the door, his entire demeanor changed again. He was back to the Tom from yesterday.

"If that's what you want then fine" he said coldly

"See, that's what I'm talking about. Stop doing that, you're giving me whiplash! You're safe, you're in OUR home, no one is going to hurt you or judge you for having feelings."

I opened the door to see my brother standing there looking at me confused.

"I judge everyone, don't speak for me." Evan said with a smirk

"Ev, don't be an asshole."

"Too late"

"Just get in here, and don't judge ANYONE once you step over that threshold!"

"Fine, but I'll silently judge after I leave."

"As long as you keep your opinions to yourself."

I told Evan to make himself at home, to which he sat on the sofa and started rummaging through the magazines on the coffee table.

I took Tom by the hand and led him into my bedroom so I could get changed, I still wanted to talk to him.

"Don't do anything in there, I don't want to hear that" Evan said, not even bothering to look up.

"Mind your business Ev"

I closed the bedroom door, putting up a silencing spell before turning around and looking at Tom.

"We're not.... I refuse to do that with your brother in the next room." Tom apparently had no idea what I was doing

"No, I don't want to have sex Tom. You apparently shut yourself off when other people can hear our conversations, now he can't hear us. Stop being an asshole and putting up that damned wall you like to put up just because I head towards the front door. This is what I was talking about, we need to learn how to communicate better. You always close yourself off, and I understand you don't want to get hurt but we can't work through this if you keep doing that." I replied

"He doesn't need to know anything about what goes on in our relationship"

"No, he doesn't, but it hurts my feelings when you do that Tom. What if it had been a package? You'd have blocked yourself off from me for absolutely no reason."

"It wasn't a package"


I started taking my pajamas off after having gotten out my clothes for the day. I still wanted to go to the store and grab peas, I'd promised Brax I'd get them.

"What are you doing?" Tom asked

"Getting dressed, I'm not staying in my pajamas all day" I answered

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