Decisions Decisions

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"Y/N, hello?" Walburga was waving her hand in front of my face

"No....." Orion whispered from the doorway

"What did I tell you! Mind your business! Go! Get out! Leave!" She moved towards the door, trying to physically push Orion out of the room.

"You're kidding me, he's going to be a father before I am? Are your serious right now?"

"Shut up Orion! Leave!" Her efforts to push him out the door were fruitless.

I was in shock, just standing there in the middle of the room looking down at the positive test.

"She could at least say something"

"She wants you to leave too, now go!"

"It's going to be an interesting meeting today... I'll leave"

"Don't you dare!"

"I don't have to say anything, he's in our heads!"

Orion's statement snapped me back to reality.

"Walburga, I need a quill, parchment, and an owl" I stated

"That's oddly specific, but ok"

She grabbed everything I'd listed, looking at me for some sort of explanation which she wasn't going to get verbally.



- Y/N

"Well that's quick and to the point I guess" she said, reading over my shoulder.

"It has to be"

I folded the piece of parchment, writing Evan's name on it before sending off the letter.

Five minutes later I had a response

You're lucky you're my sister. If I die, bury me in the back garden at mum's. I don't want strangers gawking at my headstone.

"Cryptic as ever isn't he?"

"No, Tom will strangle him for stopping him if he tries to leave, but I refuse to let him hear about this in Orion's head!"

"Can't say I blame you, Orion would probably actually walk through the door yelling it if we're being honest."

"Probably, but I have to go before Tom actually strangles my brother. Thank you Walburga, I appreciate it. If I kept tests around my apartment Tom would ask questions."

"Ok, let me know how it goes ok?"

"I will, I'll send a letter later"

I hugged her before apparating home.

I was standing right outside the door of our apartment when I heard the yelling.

"You don't control me Rosier, now move!" Tom yelled

"Sorry mate, can't, I have my orders." Evan replied

"What orders? Who do you take orders from?"

"Y/N apparently, and she owes me for this"


"No can do Riddle. As I said, orders. No hard feelings ok?"

"I hate you Evan"

"I said no hard feelings! Hate is a hard feeling!"

While I could've ended the fight simply by walking inside, I was trying to work up the nerve to do so.

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