Saving A Best Friend

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"Brax wait!" I yelled, as he reached for the doorknob

"Wait? For what? He's hurting you, and it needs to stop. I won't stand for it!"

"He'll kill you Brax, I just need someone to believe me! I need someone to know that I don't do anything to 'deserve' these things, he just does them when he gets angry. He does this when I don't listen to him. I need someone to know that if I die, it was because of him!"


"Brax you're my best friend, I don't have anyone else, not even Ev believes me! What did you think was happening when I didn't show up to your wedding? I assume you sent me an invitation?"

He nodded, but looked confused as to where I was going with this.

"I never got it.... He doesn't let me go outside of our apartment unless he's with me. The handful of times I've been able to sneak out, he yelled at me for doing so. I'm not allowed to send people letters unless he's read them first, if he leaves the country he brings me with him, he controls EVERY aspect of my life!"

"I told Evan it was a fucking mistake letting you two live in that damned apartment together and he didn't listen!"

"It's not Ev's fault, he has him brainwashed"

"Your his twin, aren't you supposed to have some sort of weird ass connection?"

"We used to, but ever since Tom did that spell to find his soulmate when we were in 5th year it's not the same. It's like that connection was cut the day Tom cast that spell."

"What was the spell?"

"Ummmm Vita Socium I think"

"Cast it again"


"Cast it again, if he's your soulmate it'll lead back to him, he's somewhere in the manor I assume?"

"Yes, he was walking towards the dining room the last time I saw him"

"Cast it"

I was confused, but took out my wand and recast the spell from 4 years ago.

"Vita Socium"

The little pink light left my wand, passing through his bedroom door and down the stairs.

"Well, lets follow it I guess" Brax said, opening his bedroom door

We followed the light, going down the stairs, around the corner, and down the hall to the dining room.

"I'm telling you Brax, it's him. You don't listen, he's going to know as soon as you open those damned doors. It's going to go straight to him and into his chest just like the first damned time."

That's exactly what happened too. The only difference was that Brax closed the doors as soon as the light went into Tom's chest, making him look up towards the double doors.

"Merlin's Beard what the fuck is wrong with his eyes?"

"That's a whole other can of worms you don't want to know about." I answered, shaking my head

"No, I'm pretty sure I want to know why the hell his eyes are red. That's creepy as fuck!"

"They glow when he's mad...."

"What the actual fuck Y/N?"

The door behind me opened, making me stumble backwards into the person who'd opened the door.

"Do we have a problem out here Abraxas? You're late." Tom started coldly

"No, no problem. Just talking....."

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