A Promise Kept

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The next morning I slept in apparently, as when I woke up Tom was nowhere to be found.

I was awoken by the smoke detector.

When I went to run out into the kitchen, I stopped in the doorway and smiled.

Tom had evidently wanted to return the favor from yesterday, but unfortunately for him.... He can't cook!

"Tom, sweetie..... the smoke detector isn't the timer."

"Really Y/N? I was trying to be nice!"

I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around him.

"I know, what if we make something together instead?"

"Babies are off the table, I'm sorry if that disappoints you."

"I was thinking omelets, but if you want sex we can just skip breakfast"

"Omelets are fine"

I grabbed everything we needed, though in the end I wound up making breakfast by myself.... And doing the dishes!

"Tom, are you going to do anything this morning? Besides wake me because you were trying to burn the house down?"

"Yes, I told you I found your 'object' as you put it. You said you wanted me to pick it out for whatever godforsaken reason"

"Gifts mean more!"

"To you, gifts mean more to YOU!"


"Just take the box" he stated, holding out a small jewelry box.

I took the box in his hand, looking at him skeptically.

This was the first gift he'd ever given me, and he'd been reluctant to do it to begin with. I'm actually pretty sure the only reason he did it was because he wanted me to make the horcrux!

"Just open it, the guy at the store insisted you'd like it even though I'm pretty sure he's never met you."

"It's jewelry Tom, you really can't go wrong with jewelry. He doesn't need to know me"

"Just open it! Good lord!"

"Ok! Ok, you don't need to yell"

I slowly opened the box, looking between Tom and the jewelry set in the box.

I slowly opened the box, looking between Tom and the jewelry set in the box

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"Do you like them?" He asked

"I love them, they actually remind me of you"

"How do they remind you of me?"

I looked back up at him confused, I know he's looked in a mirror recently.

"Have you looked in a mirror recently love?"


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