Part Two~ The Mission Contiued!

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I need to come up with better chapter names /)~(\

Any Who get ready for another short chapter YAY!


No ones PoV:

"So which way is the buried treasure ye mates?" Natsu said pretending to be a pirate. The pink haird dragon slayer wandered around the area for a bit till Lucy came up and showed him the map. Quiet suddenly a large gust of wind and snow blew the map out of the celestial mages hands...

Lucy's PoV:

"GREAT THERE GOES THE MAP!" I yelled in utter frustration, as i looked down off a cliff, there was a small stream at the bottom were the map landed after that freak wind blew it away. "Don't worry! I'll sniff the treasure out!" Natsu said sniffing around "Aye Sir!" Happy chimed in. "HOW IN MAGNOILA ARE YOU GONNA SNIFF OUT TREASURE!" I yell at him a little louder then I meant to. "I'm a dragonslayer duh! I can just sniff it out with my sense of smell." Natsu replied as causally as ever as he pointed at himself. "Great just great." I mumble under my breath as I follow him to who know where.

30 Minuets later~

For about 20 minuets we had wandered around aimlessly until Happy flew up to see if he could see were we needed to go. "So much for that nose of yours." I tease Natsu "Shaddup" Natsu mumbled. As we climbed up the last of path Happy spotted. We neared a cave in the cave sat a box "ALRIGHT! WE GOT IT!" Natsu said grabbing it "NATSU WAIT!!" I yelled hoping to stop him, but it was to late. "Crap lets go Luce!" Natsu said grabbing my wrist. As soon as we got out of the cave it collapsed starting a small avalanche of snow that I unfortunately got caught in. "Natsu you idiot!" I yell at him as Happy and him help me get out of the snow pile.

The next day~Natsu's PoV:

"Hey Mira were's Lucy?" I ask the white-headed bartender, "Ah she's out sick, you probably should go check on her..." Mira replied


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