Dinner @ the diner

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Lucy's PoV:
After receiving hugs and 'welcome back Lucy!' I headed over to the mission board, an arm wrapped around my neck and Natsu was hanging over my shoulder,
"Natsu! Don't surprise me like that," I scolded the dragon slayer,
"Sorry," he said not moving anyway. I sighed and looked back at the mission board,
"You two already looking for your next mission?" Mira asked,
"Yeah, Luce wants to go on a mission at a beach," Natsu answered. A smile spread across the bartenders face,
"Oh? A beach mission? I have the perfect mission for your two!" She smiled, going off to get the mission request,
"She's up to something," I whisper to Natsu, who nodded in agreement, Mira came back with the mission request in hand
"Here, we just got this one today, all you have to do it subdue this giant crab monster that's been harming locals of the fishing village, it's got a good reward and is on the beach," Mira said handing the job request to Natsu.
"Alright Luce lets do it!" Natsu said excitedly, I nod and look back to Mira,
"We'll take it!" I say excitedly. Natsu smiled,
"Let's leave right now!" Natsu smiled,
"Aye sir!" Happy said, not wanting to be excluded.
"If you take the train you can get there before dinner time, here is all the general info on the town, see ya!" Mira said taking her leave, Everything is too planned out.. I think to myself, something just feels off,
"Alright let's go," I say my suspicion rising as Natsu, Happy, and I head off to the train station.

Natus's PoV:
I lean on Lucy as the train chugs on, feeling miserable, she guides my head on to her lap,
"Try to sleep or something because we have a pretty long trip ahead of us, she said staring out the window.
"You liikkkkkeee him!" Happy teased,
"SHUT IT YOU STUPID CAT!" Lucy yelled at Happy, who was snickering at Luce. I groan and close my eyes hopping for some sort of relief.
My eyes open the moment the train stops, Happy is sitting on the side of my head and Lucy is asleep, fighting a wave of nausea, I sit up knocking Happy on to the floor,
"Ouch," he said sitting on the floor,
"Yo, Luce we're here," I say shaking her awake and swallowing my vomit.
"Oh we are," she said with a yawn, "Well let's go find a place to stay, then find some place to eat, Mira gave us a list of local restaurants we can try." Lucy instructed. I nodded in agreement as we departed the train and gathered our luggage, and walked over to the only hotel this town had,
"Two rooms please," Lucy said to the desk clerk,
"I'm sorry miss but we only have one single room left," the clerk said, Lucy sighed,
"Alright we will take it, we are not staying very long anyway," Lucy sighed,
"Alright, here is your room key, your room is number 27, second floor all the way at the end of the hallway on your left, it's got an excellent view of the ocean!" The clerk smiled handing Lucy the room key.
"Thank you!" Lucy smiled, "Come on Natsu, looks like we are sharing a room," She said hesitantly.
"I will sleep on the floor," I volunteered, as we headed up the stairs, she stopped for a second and blushed, I think, it may of just been the light, "O-okay," she said then mumbled, "I mean only if you wanna..." Normal ears wouldn't have heard it, I don't think even Happy heard her. She said it so quietly that I'm not even sure that's what she said. My cheeks flushed with color,
"ANYWAY! We need to drop our stuff off so we can get something to eat and start on this mission!" Lucy loudly shouted trudging up the stairs,
"You liikkkkkeee herrrr!" Happy teased,
"Shut up you!" Natsu snapped at Happy, before trudging up the stairs behind Lucy. Lucy opened up the door to the room, it had one bed, a small two person couch, a bathroom with a shower. I dump my bag on the couch and sit down, Lucy sat down on the bed with the list of restaurants to eat at.
Lucy's PoV:
I glance over that list of restaurants Mira provided with me, most of them cheap sit down restaurants, 'Like some place you would go on a first date' I think to myself, slowly becoming suspicious, 'All of this feels too planned out...' I think.
"How about this one?" Natsu said, interrupting my thoughts, he was sitting right beside me, leaning closely and pointing at a cheap restaurant that was close by,
"Yeah I suppose," I say as a blush creeps up on my face. There's and awkward silence that passes before Natsu gets up again and starts walking out the door,
"Lets get going I'm starving!" He exclaims breaking the silence as he leaves the room. I follow after him, we exit the hotel and Natsu starts to follow his nose, rather then a map,
"Natsu wait up! You are going the wrong way!" I tell him, I grab his hand,
"We have to follow the map to get there you know," I scold him. All the way to the restaurant I don't let go of his hand, and he doesn't let go of mine, it was sort of awkward, especially with Happy grinning like an idiot all the way there.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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