I'm not gonna die you idiot

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Mira's PoV:
My plan had worked better then I thought, having Levy give Lucy sleep meds then convincing (more like threatening) Natsu to take care of Lucy. "It's only a matter of time." I whispered to myself as held back the urge to laugh.

Natsu's PoV:
What do I do? Lucy just practically fainted or something in my arms! I practically dragged her to her bed. I felt kinda awkward as I pulled the covers over her. I just kinda awkwardly sat there as Lucy slept. Shifting nervously in my seat I got up to go and raid her kitchen for food. I found lots of good foods even a cake! A whole cake just sitting there! I was about to grab it when a horse voice stopped me "That's Erza's cake you know." Lucy said staring at me from her bed. "Y-Your awake!" I say a bit startled. "Why are you even here." I heard her mumble "With all the noise you making you could wake the whole guild!" She attempted to yell unsuccessfully due to her cold. Crap now she's angry I thought nervously to myself. I could practically feel her gaze on my back as I continued to rummage through her fridge. I stole some chicken wings, a loaf of bread, and a a bunch of other foods that I didn't care know the name of and sat down in her living room and started to eat, I offered her some food but she mumbled Pig and shook her head in disappointment.

Lucy's PoV:
What a disgusting pig! Not only coming over to attempt to "take care of me" but also eat all my food! Like seriously what even! Sometimes I don't understand him... I quietly ranted to my self as a felt the cough I have been trying to hide rise up in my throat. I started to cough uncontrollably, causing Natsu to freak out,
"Natsu-*cough cough* I'm not *cough cough* gonna die *cough cough*!" I said between coughs to a very panicked Natsu "Just-*cough* Get me a glas-*cough*-s of water." I said in attempt to make him stop freaking out I had to stifle a laugh as he attempted to act cool. "Yeah of course. I knew that." He somewhat mumbled as he got a glass of water. It was cute seeing home like this. Wait did I just think he was cute what's wrong with me! Shook my head in denial, Natsu's just a friend of mine...

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