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Natsu's PoV:

"Hey Luce what's with you?"
Crap, every time I try and go back to the couch she doesn't let me go... This isn't so bad though... She looks so cute when she's sleeping... I wonder what's got her like this? Maybe I should just sleep by her... But she'll kill me... But she's not letting me go...
"Lucy..." I say as I lay by her stroking her cheek, moving the hair out of her face.
I attempted to leave Lucy but she would only hold on to me tighter, I had a bad feeling I was in for a Lucy kick when I woke but maybe this wasn't so bad... I mean, she did have a terrible nightmare...
"Nashu." She sighed her nose a bit stuffy from her cold.
I blushed a bit before decided just to stay with her, as I pulled her close to me and fell asleep cuddling her closely.

*time skip to morning*
I woke up next to Lucy my face went red as a tomato and felt hotter then Igneel's fire when I noticed how close our faces were. Slowly I rolled out of the bed, much to the disappointment of a mostly asleep Lucy. Quickly I grabbed a pen and some paper and wrote down a message 'gone to shop be back soon.' And jumped out the window.
???'s PoV:
"Wildcat you in position?"
"Are the code names really needed Mira?"
"Yes, and are you in position?"
"Remember what your there for- wait target is leaving the house code: Fire. He is heading to your position!"
"You could of just said 'Natsu is coming to the store.' Anyway got to go the manager is giving me funny looks, bye sis."

Natsu's PoV:
I entered the shop, I scanned my surroundings, it was a basic convenience store with its wide variety of products.
I saw Lisanna and Bixlow working behind the counter and the manager giveing them a wired look.
"Hyia Natsu!" Lisanna greeted in a cheery tone
"What are you two doing here?" I questioned
"Mira's off doing who knows what, probably training with Lauxus and Freed, and Evergreen and my brother are on a date! So since both Bixlow and I needed some extra cash we decided to get a short-time-part-time job here!" She said with a smile.
"Anyway what brings you here?" Bixlow inquired
"I'm forced to take care of Lucy till Wendy and Erza get back, so I'm picking up some cold medicine." I shrugged
"Oh yeah that reminds me, I think they are getting back today." Lisanna mumbled
"Really? That's good to hear." I said with mixed emotions, I felt happy that she would be getting better soon, but for some unknown reason I felt kinda sad...
"What aisle is the cold medicine?" I ask scanning the shelves.
"Second aisle." Bixlow said
"Kay." I reply as I head to the aisle finding the medicine.

Why do I feel so sad about Lucy getting better? I mean come on she will be healthy again so why do I feel this way?

Maybe it's because I still want to spend time with her...

But I see her all the time...

Why do I always feel like I need to be by her side? To hear her voice and protect her...


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