Feelings~ Lucy's Pov

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Hiya guys! Thanks for all the wonderful comments 0///u///0
I'm trying my best to make longer chapters and update weekly so yay!!!

Please don't be afraid to point out spelling or grammar mistakes >~<...
On to the story~!

Lucy's PoV:

I don't want him to go... I'm not sure why... I just feel so safe by him...
"Nashu..." I mumble as I hold tight to him. He pulls me close into his arms, I snuggle up close to his warmth on what can only be described as pure instinct. His unnaturally high body temperature surrounded me as I fell asleep in his arms.

*that morning*

"Natsu?" I mumble as I wake up from the cold to find the pink haired dragon slayer missing. I spot a note on my nightstand. Grabbing the note, I slowly decifer Natsu's horrid handwriting. "Gone Shop be soon?" I whisper under my breath.. "oh! Gone to shop be back soon!" I say, my voice strained a bit.
It was colder without him... Also lonelier...
HOLD UP WAIT A MINUTE since when did I long to be by Natsu? What is happening??!? I argue with my own thoughts as I slap my cheeks. A cold breeze swept through my room causing me to shiver.
"Good morning Luce." Natsu's beautiful voice filled my ears causing me to slightly blush WAIT A SEC SINCE WHEN DID I THINK NATSU'S VOICE WAS ATTRACTIVE??
"Hey Lucy you okay?" Natsu said, "You look a little red. Lemme take your temperature." Natsu said leaning in and putting his hand on my forehead causing me to blush even more. Our faces were only inches apart, I could feel his warm breath on my face as he placed the back on his hand on my forehead.
"N-natsu." I stammered
"Huh? Somthin wrong?" He whispered his eyes staring right into mine.
"Y-your to cl-cl-close." I stammered
"Oh sorry." He said blushing just as much as I was
*cough cough*
"Here." He mumbled facing away from my and forcing a plastic bad in my hands. Inside there was some cough drops and some cold & flu medicine. Along with a card.
"The card is from Lisanna and Bixlow." He mumbled still looking away from me.
I giggled at the thought of Lisanna and Bixlow together. I was right they do make a good couple! I thought to myself as I remembered are conversation a week ago when we were baking cookies together. Ever since she came back from Edolas her and I became great friends.
*flash back*

"Sooooo... Who are we making cookies for?" I say with a smirk
Lisanna blushed with a bit of embarrassment.
"Is it Natsu?" I say jokingly
"No... That's who you are making cookies for." She replied with a smirk
"Anyway...." I say quickly changing the subject, "Who ARE you making cookies for?"
Lisanna mumbled a name under her breath.
"Sorry I could let hear you~!" I say teasingly
"Bixlow..." She mumbled blushing a bit
"What was that ~?"
"B-Bixlow!" The white haired mage stumbled out at last.
"Hehehe I knew it! Operation Bixanna is a go!" I say triumphantly pointing my spatula into the sky.
"Wait what??!? Op-op-operation Bix-bix-Bixanna??!" She stammered as her face turned red.
"Hehehehe... Yes my plan to get you and Bixlow together!" I say with a smirk.
*end of flashback*
I unwrap a cough drop and pop it in my mouth. I open the envelope, in side there is get well soon card. I open up the card
"Hope you get well soon ~ Lisanna & Bixlow p.s. Operation Bixanna is a success! Thanks for all your help. Commencing operation...." The next word was scribbled out.... I wondered what it said...

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