The last day

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A/N: so I know I haven't updated this in like forever and also unpublished the fanfic, but hey I'm bored so I'm writing out an other chapter so yeah....

Natsu's PoV:

I looked over to Lucy who was reading her book, is she doing okay? I wonder if she's uncomfortable in any way, arrgh, why am I so worried about her? I think to myself running my fingers through my hair,
"Luce you doing okay?" I asked my blonde companion,
"I'm feel better," she said with a little cough, her cheeks flushed with color due to the cold. I smiled at her words hoping she's not lying. I give her a smile and sit on her bed,
"Natsu are you * cough cough * not worried about getting * cough cough * sick?" Lucy asked me,
"Nah," I shrugged, laying across her bed, trapping her legs underneath me. I laid down for who knows how long looking up at the ceiling, wanting to just fall asleep,
"Luce," I start looking over to her, she looked up front her book, "Do you want to go on a mission together, just the two of us?" I asked with a smile, I liked spending time with Lucy, just me and her.
"Sure, but a job near the ocean, preferably a place with no snow," she laughed, causing a coughing fit, immediately I sat up and scooted up to her side, grabbing a glass of water from her nightstand. I gently rubbed her back, still not really sure what to do. Slowly she stopped coughing, "Thanks," she muttered drinking some water. I sat by her, letting her lean against me. A blushed flushed across my face as I gently stroked her soft blonde hair. Neither of us moved or wanted to move at least, it kinda crazy that we could get even closer because of this...

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