Getting better

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Natsu's PoV:
We were on a mission just Lucy and I. I followed her through the forest, as we entered a the clearing a dark bolt of magic shot right through her as she turned to face me,
"LUCY!" I called out, waking myself up. I sat up the bed taking deep breaths, I hadn't had that nightmare in a long time. It was a recurring nightmare, first started dreaming it back when future Rouge almost killed Lucy. Sometimes the dream would take place in different locations but it was all the same, Lucy died and I couldn't protect her.
"Nashu?" Lucy asked, "Are you okay?" She asked, "I'm fine really, I'm going to sleep on the floor," I answered her,
"Natsu, it's okay you can tell me," Lucy said seeing through my lie, sitting on the edge of her bed I look at her. All the times I haven't been able to protect her.
"Natsu," Lucy said softly. I stare at the ground,
"I have this dream, no it's more like a nightmare. It always starts the same you and I on a mission of some sorts, we are walking along, then suddenly a black bolt of magic pierces through your body," I stop for a moment and look up at her, I can almost feel my eyes start to water. Lucy pulls me in for a hug, "I don't want to lose you," I whisper to her holding her tightly. Lucy starts coughing again and I quickly pull away, "I'm sorry," I mumble,
"Natsu, when ever you have that dream again, no matter how late or early it is, come over okay?" Lucy offers, I nod, "Now come on we need to sleep," Lucy said with a smile, I nod again, getting off the bed and laying down on the couch.
Lucy's PoV:
I lay in bed thinking about what just happened, Natsu doesn't want to lose me the thought made me blush, I was ever grateful it was dark out so he couldn't see me blushing. I slowly fell asleep, remembering how he held me tightly as if I was going to slip away in the night.
"Luce! Come on wake up! Wendy's here!" Natsu's voice said, opening my eyes to see the pink haired dragon slayer letting Wendy in,
"Good morning Lucy!" Wendy greeted with a gleeful smile on her face, I sit up in my bed as she comes over to do her healing magic, while Natsu left to eat what ever was left in my fridge. Less then a half an hour later, Wendy was done,
"Alright, you should feel better now, but don't over work yourself," Wendy warned, "Anyway, see you guys at the guild!" She said cheerfully before leaving. After she left I got out of my bed,
"NATSU! I'm going to take a bath don't you dare try to come in the bathroom!" I yelled before entering the bathroom.
After my bath I put on a clean change of cloths and grabbed my keys,
"Yo Natsu, ready to head back to the guild?" I ask as I enter my living room area, he was sitting on my couch with his feet on my coffee table,
"Natsu," I say calmly attempting not to get too overworked, "Get. Your. Feet. Off. My. Coffee table!" I say angrily, he quickly got his feet off my coffee table. I sighed and sat down next to him,
"Anyway, thanks for taking care of me," I said with a smile.
"Yeah it was no biggie," Natsu mumbled, the was an awkward tension in the air,
"About last night," I start,
"I'm sorry," Natsu said looking away from me,
"Natsu, I'm serious, if you ever have any nightmares, come over okay? I'm not joking around," I say looking at the back of his head, I take his hand and squeeze it, he looks over back to me,
"Now let's go back to the guild, there's a mission at a beach that has our names on it!" I said with a smile.

Don't worry the fanfic's not over yet! I have about a month left till school starts, so I will try to keep updating (I make no promises) but anyway, what do you guys think so far? Any suggestions?

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