That Annoying dragon slayer

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Lucy's PoV:

I hid my head under my covers this was all Natsu's fault they just had to go over board on that last mission and not get a reward then to make matters worse he choose the mission that left stuck on a mountain in blizzard instead of the warm beach. "This all your fault Natsu..." Lucy mumbled as she looked out her window. Three soft knock on her door made her jump
"Lu-chan?" A familiar voice said after the third knock. "Lu-chan are you in there?"
"Levy?" Lucy said As she shuffled out of bed to open the door. She opened the door to see Levy staying there in a causal orange dress like she alway wore, I her hand was a basket with cans of chicken noodle soup along with some flowers. "Oh my Lu-chan! You look terrible!" Levy said placing the basket down, and stared to make some soup. The soup tasted great, and it felt good to have some company. we sat down and talked, about a lot of things, our favourite authors, new books, and my personal favourite how she was getting along with Gajeel. Levy had a huge one-sided crush on him and always blushed whenever I brought up the topic. After sometime she had to leave, "Bye Lu-chan!" Levy said as she left.

Natsu's PoV:
I had walked to Lucy's house to go take care of her like Mira threatened. I had gotten there only to find out that Levy had beaten me to it. Watched and waited for what seemed like days till Levy FINALLY left. I had Happy lift me up through the window "Hi Luce!" I say as I crouch in her window "AHHHHHH!" I hear her yell with her hoarse voice "HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF A DOOR??!" She continued to yell "We just came here to keep you company, Mira said she would kill us if we didn't." I shuddering at the thought of bartender said "Aye sir!" Happy chimed end in. "Well I don't need you to take care of me." She said as she shuffled back to her bed suddenly she stopped short cause she must of gotten dizy or something cause she was wobbling around. I went up to her and put my hand around her waist to steady her "Let go of me Natsu." Lucy mumbled or hissed I could really tell as she fainted in my arms "LUCY?!?" I shouted in suprise.
Mira's PoV:
I watched the scene unfold before my binoculars "I see you were successful Levy." The bartender mumbles under her breath...
I really should update more often...
Oh my unicorns Mira 0-0
Hehehe can't wait for next chapter :) oh wait I have to write it first....

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