Cold night

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A/N: fun fact I have no idea were this fanfic is going, I am literally making it up as I go  .o. Yay~! Suggestions are welcomed!

Time skip to nighttime~

Lucy's PoV:

I shivered under my blankets. Curled up in a ball I tried to stay warm.  "W-why is-s i-it s-s-s-o-o cold." I mumbled under my breath.
"Luce?" A sleepy voice replied "Somthin wrong?"
Curse you Natsu and your dragonslayer hearing.
"N-Nothing I'm f-f-ine." I said trying not to shiver
"Eh?" Natsu said.
"Here, have my blanket." He mumbled putting the blanket I gave him on top of me
He's so cute when he cares- wait what?!? Why am I thinking thoughts like that??!? Natsu's not cute... Okay maybe a little cute sometimes...
"W-what about you?" I question blushing at the thoughts going through my head
"I'll be fine." Natsu smirked going back over to the coach to lay down.
Slowly I drifted off to sleep
Waking up I found my self even colder then before, as my vision came in to focus I realised I was on top of a mountain. Bright flashes of red flames came from around the corner. Natsu! I thought excitedly to myself. Running around the bend I saw it. A giant monster destroying Natsu. "NATSUU!!!" I screamed
I opened my eyes to darkness and unbearable cold. I felt something warm cover me
"Shh...Luce it was just a bad dream." Natsu said as he hugged me tightly
"N-natsu," I mumbled half asleep, "please don't go."
Wraped on Natsu's arms I feel into a deep sleep...


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