1~The Story

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"No, absolutely not," Hayleigh sighed, rubbing the space between her eyebrows, as if holding a conversation with me was physically unappealing. Which it definitely wasn't, I was the most interesting person to talk to.

Her office was big, the biggest in the whole building. Of course it was, she was the Chief Editor and had control of almost everything that went on around here.

Pale grey and white coloured the four walls of the room, there was not a single picture or thread of personality in this room. It was like stepping into a prison cell. I hated this room. However, I needed to be here, I was on a mission that I wouldn't fail.

She sat at her desk, hunched over with her head in her hands. Her desk, which was slapped right in the middle of the room, was filled with an assortment of different papers.

She looked up at me in sympathy, I couldn't tell whether it was genuine or not. Her short brown hair fell into her face as she turned her head, to look out of the huge window to the right of her, where the light shone in.

I stood just by the thick, wooden door, by a ridiculously large printer that made the most annoying sounds when it was in action, and before I could have even said one word she cut me off. She'd been expecting me.

"What do you mean 'absolutely not'? I know I can do this, please," I begged her, rushing over to the chair opposite her desk and throwing myself into it, dramatically.

My long dark hair flew into my line of vision, I brushed it back quickly and looked Hayleigh eagerly. Hope flared, she had to at least consider my request.

However, there was definitely no consideration behind her decision.

"Thalia, this requires so much work and, not to be hurtful, a lot more skill than you possess," her words didn't hurt, because I knew I had that skill, she was just blind to it. It was as simple as that. Just because I hadn't had the experience of other writers didn't mean anything.

Hayleigh peered through her dark fringe and at me, her brown eyes evaluating me. She knew I could be amazing if she'd give me the tools to be. I just needed the opportunity.

"I need this story, I know it's a risk-" I began but was cut off by her, I huffed and looked down at the countless coffee stains on the carpeted floor.

"It's a huge risk, one I'm not willing to take," she said, her voice tired and already fed up with this whole interaction. Her word was final.

I wouldn't give up. I would make this my story, my work. I leaned over the desk so I was closer to her, looking sincerely into her dark eyes.

"Hayleigh, you've been keeping me on the back burner for too long. I want to be a writer, I don't just want to be running around making coffee for everyone," I argued, glaring petulantly at the 5th coffee mug I'd brought to her that day. "You said you'd help me, please, I'm begging you, let me have this story and if it goes wrong I'll fire myself,"

Words tended to leave my mouth before I could actually think about them, but I think that's what makes me sound so passionate all the time. It's why people trusted me, because I never shyed from the truth.

"Thalia," Hayleigh sounded lost, as if she had no choice in the matter when it was completely her choice. She was Cheif Editor for crying out loud.

She leaned back in her chair and looked up at the ceiling. If she thought I'd give up she was wrong, I wanted this story so badly and I'd get it. I wasn't budging.

"Hayleigh, you know I am capable of doing great things, give me my chance," I begged, "I can show you, please, please, please," the word fell from my mouth countless other times, like a mantra.

Hayleigh sighed again, it sounded frustrated and weary, maybe I was slowly convincing her.

"Hayleigh, I promise you I will not mess this up, give me a chance," I repeated the same phrase I'd been repeating throughout the whole conversation.

"Fine," that one word gave me everything. I jumped up from the chair, accidentally knocking over the coffee cup on Hayleigh's desk in the process. I fist pumped the air, ignorant to the mess I'd made of the papers on Hayleigh's desk.

She didn't even seem to care that much, I'm pretty sure she just wanted me to get out. "Thank you so much, Hayleigh! I promise I won't disappoint you," I grinned wildly.

Hayleigh nodded silently and then moved her chair back to pull out a drawer and pass me a semi-thick file. I took it carefully and then hugged it to my chest, this is what would kick-start my career.

Before I could say another word to Hayleigh she lifted both her hands and motioned for me to leave.

I rushed out like I'd rushed in and down the barren hallway to the elevator. I tapped my foot impatiently as I waited for the elevator to arrive on the 15th floor, I wasn't waiting long.

As soon as the elevator reached the first floor, the reception, I nodded to Sheila, the receptionist. Sheila gave me a wide grin, her lush red lips stretching over crooked, white teeth. "You got it?" She asked me, her eyes sparkling with hope for me.

Sheila had always been so nice to me. She'd been here the day I started and had always helped me when I came to her with anything. She was also ridiculously beautiful, long auburn hair that was usually tied up in a neat bun at the back of her head. She had deep grey eyes that always seemed to alive and creamy pale skin, void of any blemishes.

"Damn right I got it," I grinned and hurried over to her desk, dropping the brown file in front of her. She was just finishing writing a message that would probably go to Hayleigh.

She quirked an eyebrow as she looked at the file, "who'da thought? They were so in love, I wonder what went wrong?" She hummed absently.

I slid the file back into my grasp, "well, that's what I'm going to find out and as soon as I do, I promise you'll be the first to find out," I winked jokingly and she laughed and nodded, watching me with mirth filled eyes.

"Well, Miss detective, you better get to it," she told me and then gave me a final smile before I turned my back and walked towards the glass doors of the dull reception, how anyone could sit in here, staring at the same 4 walls for days on end, is a mystery to me?

The cold air blew against my face, as if congratulating me with it's cool kiss.

Unlike the cool air the file burned red hot in my hands, coaxing me to take a peak inside, so that's what I did, right there just outside the doors of my workplace.

'Catherine Elise Blanchett and Andrew Upton divorcing!'

The big bold words flashed out, the depth of the story pulling me in. I would definitely have read this all by tomorrow, what I didn't know would have to be found out in an interview that would be scheduled.

Celebrities divorcing wasn't anything new, this was special because everyone thought Cate and Andrew were so in love. It was a shock to the world that they'd split up.

However, that wasn't the only shock.

'Reason for divorce might have something to do with Cate's recent interest in women'

An interest in women, well this would certainly be interesting.

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