26~The Hottest Gossip In Town

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I'd never liked the hospital, something about the place freaked me out. Whether is was the sickly green colours that decorated the walls, or the false happy atmosphere, or maybe it was that smell. The smell of death and the weight and despair of sad families.

Families. I'd woken up without my mother beside me, there were no soft sniffles and happy shouts as I woke up. She probably didn't even know I was here.

So waking up in one hadn't exactly been pleasant, but Jasper was there to explain that he'd ran in on Amy hitting me with a fucking lamp shade. He then told me that he screamed at her and told her to get out of the apartment, he let her collect some stuff while he rang the ambulance.

"I can't believe she did that," Jasper felt bad, I could tell, he avoided my eyes and had done nothing except apologise on behalf of Amy. He hurried to keep up with me as we walked out of the hospital doors, he seemed weary, as if I was going to suddenly drop dead. 

"Don't worry about it Jasper," I told him as I looked through my purse for my phone, getting frustrated when I couldn't find it. I came to a stop just at the front of the hospital, sighing irately, Jasper came to a stop beside me.

The police had visited me, but it had been a brief visit. I hadn't pressed charges, yeah Amy was a crazy bitch, but she didn't need prison she needed a therapist.

"Did I leave my phone in the hospital?" I asked Jasper still looking through my bag, I stopped when I didn't receive an answer from him. When I looked up at him it seemed that he hadn't heard me, he was busy staring off at something behind me.

His face was pure shock and confusion as if what he was seeing didn't quite believe whatever it was he could see. My curiosity getting the better of me, I turned around and was met with what seemed like a crowd of hundreds of people, in reality it was about 20. Which still seemed like a huge group of people.

I'd seen crowds of people before, at my mother's meetings and conferences. They hadn't ever bothered me, partly because they were never focused on me. But there was something about this crowd that didn't bode well with me.

They stood a little way down the pavement, many dressed in smart clothes and holding microphones, they looked very professional. Others were holding cameras and dressed in casual clothing.

They were reporters, paparazzi. 

Who were they here for? Maybe there'd been an accident while I was at the hospital and they're probably waiting for some sort of story. "That's a lot of people," Jasper murmured, I turned back to him and shrugged.

"They're probably here for some celebrity," I said, brushing off the weird feelings I got from the crowd of people. Instead of dwelling on it any longer, I grabbed Jasper's hand and pulled him off towards the car park.

It was in that moment that everything seemed to progress a lot faster, it all seemed to be a blur. Jasper and I had to walk past the group to get through to the car park, it was as we walked past them that things kicked off. 

I heard my name being shouted and some very frantic voices, next minute Jasper and I were separated as the crowd surged and seemed to pounce on us. Cameras flashed and microphones were shoved into my face, what the actual fuck? 

Confusion clouded my brain, nothing was making sense and the damn flash of those cameras were hurting my eyes. "Thalia! Thalia Greene!" A woman shouted, I recognised her actually. Looking closer I realised that she worked with Hayleigh. Her name was Rosa Willows, she'd been top reporter for the longest of times and I did admire her. I frowned as she shoved her microphone into my face, before asking her questions.

"Is it true that you and Cate Blanchett are now together? I mean we have photo evidence, but still. Does Andrew Upton know about this? How long has this been going on for?" 

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