7~The Job

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"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to sound so nasty," I apologised instantly as I saw that broken look slowly creep into her pronounce features. Shit.

Before I could say anything more she waved away my apology and forced a smile, I could tell the smile on her face was nothing more than a mask. "Thalia, don't worry, you're right," she shrugged and then shook her head, "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," 

I almost cried, how had I been so careless? Now I'd hurt her feelings, dammit. "Cate, honestly, I didn't think. I had no right, I have no idea whether or not those rumours are true," I told her, genuinely remorseful of what I had caused.

"Thalia, it's okay," she said, "it's not you," I only half believed her. Her sadness didn't seem to be particularly aimed at me but nothing was 'okay'. I knew it and so did she, I hated the atmosphere that had been created over one stupid, stupid sentence.

I hated it so much I just wanted to leave, but I didn't like to run away from my problems, I liked to face them. However, it seemed that whatever I did in this situation it wouldn't solve anything, so I had no choice.

"Would you like me to leave? We can continue this tomorrow, or next week, it's completely up to you," I told her, leaving it up to her to decide, I didn't want her to think that I thought I had control over her. I didn't want her to think I'd abuse my power like that.

Cate sighed and rubbed a hand across her face, "would you mind coming back tomorrow?" She asked me, not looking at me, not wanting me to see how hurt she was. It was a shame I already knew and could do nothing about it.

I hadn't ever known my dad, but my mother had enough stories about him to make me think of him as someone who'd never cared. But my mother also didn't care, her word wasn't concrete I couldn't believe anything she said. However, on that one rare occasion I caught my mother sobbing over someone I assumed to be my dad I knew that whatever had happened between them had hurt her so much and contributed to the person she was today.

I knew that divorce was hard, it was common knowledge, it hurt people in different ways. It helped my mother become the cold bitch she was today, in this case it made Cate feel empty and numb. Depressed.

"Of course, what time do you want me to come? Lunchtime?" I asked her softly, picking up my notepad and pen and going to put them into my bag, before Cate stopped me by holding out her hand for them both.

I complied instantly and stood to give her both the notepad and the pen, she scribbled something down and gave it back to me, her hand brushing my own as I took it, I read it and realised it was her phone number.

"Text me, later on and then tomorrow I'll give you a ring to let you know when I'm free. Is that okay?" She asked, I nodded and gave her a sympathetic smile to let her know that I knew she was struggling. 

I could tell she needed someone, I couldn't help but think maybe she needed me, I got rid of the thought almost as soon as it had materialised. I was thinking nonsense, what she needed was time and some of her closest friends.

"Yeah, that's fine. Take care of yourself, Cate," I said and made my way over to the archway that led to the front door, Cate moved to get up but I shook my head, "I'll let myself out, it's okay," I smiled and before she could say anything more I made my way out of the living room and to the front door.

As soon as I got out of the house I pulled my phone out of my bag and looked for the nearest bus route home, I liked taking the bus, I could just listen to music and clear my head. It gave me time to think to myself and I had to do some intense thinking about this whole situation, what was my plan?

As soon as I found a bus and got onto it my phone rang, I'd have to put that intense thinking on hold for now. 

"Hey, Jas," I said, sighing quietly so he wouldn't hear me. The bus came to a stop and I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, just a random man in a green puffer jacket.

"Thalia! How was it? Are you still with her?" Jasper's voice was filled with anticipation as if I was about to tell him that Cate had become my best friend and we're moving in together or something stupid like that.

"Uh, yeah, it went great. I met her and we talked a bit, just getting to know each other and stuff," I shrugged, fully aware he couldn't see me. I hated phone calls, talking in person was so much better because then I could actually see the person and understand how they were feeling. "I'm just heading home now,"

"Awesome, do you want to celebrate your first story or are you busy?" Things like this were why I loved Jasper, he didn't invite himself around and he was always mindful of other people.

"I'll be a bit busy, I need to send Hayleigh and email of where I got up to and then arrange something with Cate. Plus the apartment is a mess," we both knew my excuses were lame, they always were but Jasper always understood when I needed space or time to myself.

"Sure, call me if you need anything. Love you, bye," he tried not to sound disappointed and did a good job of it, to the point where I only felt marginally guilty for blowing him off.

"Bye, love you," I said and promptly ended the call only to be met with a message notification from my mother.

Hell, what did I have to do to get some privacy? Maybe turn on airplane mode but then I could miss something important.

Deciding to not switch on airplane mode I tapped on the little notification bubble at the top of my screen and waited as my messages app loaded.

'I've not seen you in a while, Thalia. It'd be nice if you could join me tomorrow for dinner, I have a few things I'd like to discuss with you. Don't use the excuse that you're busy because I know you were fired from that job at the bank Eric told me. Which reminds me, you need to start watching your mouth and being more professional.'

I rolled my eyes, why couldn't she ask me out to dinner like a normal person.

'Hey kid, wanna go out 4 dinner tomoz????'

Something cringy and excessive like that. Something that most parents text their kids, how unfortunate that my mother seemed to be a robot and incapable of normal human interaction.

Another thing to add to my list of things to do:

Go to dinner with my psycho mother

Great, just what I needed.

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