15~The Beginner

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Fuck you normal folk and your erratic displays of affection. I hated being off guard and that's exactly how I felt.

The whole dinner, whatever Cate did seemed to throw every single coherent thought right out of the window and leave me a frantic, sputtering mess.

I hated it.

The way her beautiful blue eyes would flick up to me, just as if to tease me or check on me. Or the way she'd moan after eating something, as if she wanted me to give her a reaction. However, those things weren't the things I hated the most, there was one thing I hated more than all the other things she was doing.

Her touch.

Throughout the meal, while we were talking, her hand would glide up my bare arm as if touching me was nothing. How I wished I could just put my jacket back on and not have to be enthralled every time her delicate hands came into contact with me. God, I was probably just overreacting, she was just being casual.

However, the little arm touches weren't it, every so often I'd feel her clothed leg brush against my own. As if by accident when somehow I knew it wasn't an accident.

It couldn't be, it had already happened eight times in the space of an hour. Maybe I was being obsessive.

That was beside the point. Whatever was going on, had to stop. Immediately, I knew that but a part of me didn't want any of it to stop. A small, loveless part of me yearned for Cate's affection.

Whenever that part surfaced I'd just remind myself. She was just a celebrity, just another extremely charming celebrity.

"God, I'm stuffed," Cate groaned, leaning back in her chair after taking the last bite of the chocolate fudge cake she'd ordered for desert.

Honestly, I was feeling pretty full too. I'd been busy stuffing myself with food, desperate to try and distract myself from Cate's affection.

The food was divine and they had practically everything, also the prices were reasonable. I'd definitely be coming back here sometime.

"Thalia, what do you say about a nice walk in the park?" Cate interrupted my thought flow, drawing my attention with a light touch on my hand.

I watched as she moved her hand away again, this had to stop.

"Uh, I don't know, Cate. I have things to do," I told her, fumbling for an excuse that wouldn't hurt her feelings.

However, it seemed Cate had already sussed me out and realised I wasn't telling her the truth. "No you're not, you clearly didn't plan to do anything today since you were out drinking last night," she smirked, catching me out in my own lie.

I sighed, she was right and I couldn't exactly lie my way out of it. "Yeah, you're right, sorry I'm just tired," I admitted, not exactly the truth but it wasn't a lie either.

I could still feel the ghost of a headache slightly pushing against my head. "I could drop you off at home if you aren't feeling good," I could hear the disappointment in her voice and guilt instantly clawed its way into my body.

"No, no, let's go to the park, I think some fresh air would be good for me,"

Why would I do that? Since when had I ever given in to my own guilt?

Cate was changing me, or maybe it was all me. Creating some sort of false affection between us simply because I'd never received any, the typical cry for pity.

But I wasn't like that, I was always much better on my own, I didn't need anyone.

So why was it that as the sun came closer to setting that I didn't want to leave Cate's presence.

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