21~The Painting

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TW: Mentions of vomiting

Also, people, this is quite long and details what happened between Cate and her mystery woman.
What the hell was that?

I reached up to my forehead, as if I could feel where her lips had pressed against my head.

No. No, no, no, no. This was not good, this was so very not good. If it wasn't so good why did I want to feel her lips again? Why did my heart warm at the absent minded gesture? Why was I still playing it over and over again in my head?

I don't really think I'd ever taken the time to fully appreciate the interior of Cate's wonderful house. Sat here in the spare bedroom I marvelled at her exquisite taste in furniture and her ability to fill a room, interesting pieces of abstract art hung on the walls of the room.

Probably costing a few thousand per piece, they were each as beautiful as the next. However, my favourite one, I soon came to realise, was the one directly in front of the bed.

The painting, in speaking, was a burst of blues and greens. To me they resembled a big ocean, that wasn't what intrigued me however. What intrigued me was the center of the painting, there were two figures I could see their eyes.

One of them had the bluest eyes I'd only ever seen once, they reminded me of Cate's eyes.

The other however seemed darker almost, broken in some ways. It seemed they were missing their chest, something vital in order to survive.

However, the figure that reminded me of Cate held them in a tight embrace and their chests merged. Almost as if the Cate-like figure was healing the other with her own grievances.

I jumped up from the bed, grabbing my phone, almost falling back down when my headache practically slapped me across the face. I steadied myself haphazardly and when I felt I could stand without falling, the sudden feeling that I was going to vomit attacked me.

"Cate!" I practically screamed before running from the bedroom and frantically trying to find a bathroom, phone still in hand.

The hallways seemed long and bathroomless, so I was so happy when I eventually found one right at the end of the hallway.

As soon as I had my head was in the toilet, relentlessly throwing up the contents of my stomach.

It had been so horrible I hadn't even heard hurried footsteps in the bathroom, however, I did feel Cate's gentle hands gather my frizzy hair into a makeshift ponytail.

"It's okay, sweet girl, let it all out," Cate's voice soothed my panic and my disgust at the whole situation. I hated throwing up and usually I never threw up, of course it had to happen to me at Cate's house.

Her other hand ran over my back, rubbing up and down, encouraging me to flush it out of my system.

When it seemed like I wasn't going to throw up anymore I moved away from the toilet bowl, planning on doing what I always did and lay on the floor to soothe my banging headache.

Instead I was pulled tightly into Cate's arms, who'd placed herself against the bathroom counter. She was sat up and her arms wrapped around my waist and one of her hands ran through my hair. Her legs rested either side of me, still clothed in that jumpsuit.

I whined quietly, why had I drank so much? This never would have happened if I just didn't drink.

"I'm sorry," I croaked, my throat sore from that whole ordeal. God, how unattractive.

"Don't you apologise, it's perfectly alright," Cate reassured me, still running her hand through my hair. "I should have gotten you some water and medicine, I didn't think," she muttered, mainly to herself but I still heard.

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