Chapter 6

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A couple of days later, Cassie walked into The Bean's Knees with the sole intention of finding Isaac. She had failed to locate him in the library— both in the main part and the quiet study area— or anywhere in the cafeteria. She even checked some other eating spots across the massive campus, but she also struck out.

That's how Cassie came to end up at The Bean's Knees now. She had finished class earlier that day, allowing her as much time as she needed to look for her ex-boyfriend. If she didn't find him today, she couldn't guarantee that she'd find time again to look for him. She had tried to text him, but he didn't read it. Or perhaps he blocked her, and it wasn't clear? She hadn't bothered messaging him on any social media platforms— she already knew he'd blocked her everywhere possible. Her only option left was to look for him in the flesh.

As she scanned the bustling coffee shop, Cassie suddenly spotted him sitting near the middle of the place. Fortunately for her, he was all alone for once. She smiled, knowing that neither Lexi nor Isaac's friends could interrupt her should she approach him. The opportunity was perfect— beyond perfect, in fact. She also didn't know when she would get this chance again, so she had to seize it right now.

Well, here goes nothing, Cassie thought after taking a deep breath. She approached Isaac' table with great apprehension.


Upon hearing his name called, Isaac looked up with a scowl immediately apparent on his face. "What do you want?"

Cassie flinched at his harsh tone of voice. "I have to talk to you right now."

"I don't care," Isaac snapped, his voice clipped and angry. "I don't wanna hear it. Go away."

"Look, could you please hear me out? It's really important," Cassie insisted.

Isaac scoffed. "I highly doubt it. Please leave me alone."

Cassie moved back, unsure of what else to say. She'd approached Isaac as kindly as possible, trying her best to make it clear that she wasn't trying to harass him. Yet he'd coldly reject her without a second thought. It shouldn't have surprised her, and yet it had. She needed to get some important stuff off her chest. But it looked like her chance to do so was disappearing right before her eyes.

"You're still here?"

She snapped out of her thoughts to focus back on Isaac, who now seemed more confused than irritated.

"Yes. I'm not leaving until I talk to you, Isaac," she declared.

Isaac rolled his eyes. "Why? So, you can insult me and Lexi? Especially when Lexi isn't here to defend herself? I think I'll pass, but thanks anyway."

This was all becoming just too much for Cassie to handle. Tears sprung to her eyes, and she couldn't hold them back. She began to cry, sinking into the chair across from Isaac without thinking.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't want to cry in front of you," she blubbered. "But I've been wanting to talk to you for a couple months now. I know you hate me, and I get that you don't want to talk to me. But please, please, please let me talk to you. I promise I'll never bother you again after today if you please let me say what I want to say."

Isaac appeared shocked by her demeanour. Cassie used his silence to take a moment to wipe her tears away. She also cleared her throat and tried her best to compose herself. She had to force herself to bite the inside of her lip to keep more tears at bay.

A loud sigh suddenly came out of Isaac. "You really want to talk to me that badly?"

"I'm dead serious," Cassie replied. "I spent all day looking for you just to talk to you."

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