Chapter 28

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Lexi slept in a little the next morning, having not woken up until almost nine AM. She stirred in bed and debated whether or not to get up. Her bed felt so warm and cozy that the mere thought of getting up was far from desirable. Yet she stood up anyways and stretched her arms over her head.

But before she got out of bed, the sound of two people talking made the previous decision for her. She could make out Nikita and Felipe talking amongst themselves from the living room. What exactly they were saying, she couldn't say for certain due to the low volume of their voices. Regardless, Lexi lied back down and curled up under her covers once again.

I'll just hide here until Felipe leaves— even if it means staying here for a couple of hours, Lexi thought. They both deserve privacy.

With that in mind, she stayed in bed and relaxed. Sleep threatened to overtake her again, so she dozed off for a bit. But she woke up about 15 minutes later with a sudden start. She tuned in to hear what was going on outside her bedroom, only to hear the front door open and close.

Guess he must've left now, she thought. Or perhaps Nikita and Felipe left together? I'll find out soon enough.

She tossed her bed covers aside and finally left her bedroom. She entered the living room to find a sleepy-looking Nikita drinking coffee on the couch. She glanced at her roommate with a small smile.


"Good morning. I'll be right there in a sec."

After using the washroom, she returned to the kitchen and made herself some coffee. She joined Nikita on the couch with an eager grin.



"About last night..."

"What about last night?"

"Seriously, Nikita?"

Nikita broke into a fit of laughter. "I'm sorry, I couldn't resist."

"Jesus fucking Christ," Lexi sighed with a dramatic eye roll. "Please tell me how the Goddamn date went! I've been wondering since you left last night!"

"Oh, alright," Nikita relented. "The date wasn't nearly as awkward as I thought it'd be. It almost felt like hanging out as just friends. But then Felipe reached out and grabbed my hand at one point just 'cause. That really made it feel less like a hangout and more like a date."

"Were either of you nervous?"

"I was, but I tried to keep it hidden. But Felipe? He was nervous as hell. He told me straight up that he thought I wouldn't think he was taking the date seriously."

"He didn't think you'd believe he was serious about dating you...while you two were on a date?"

"It sounds stupid, I know. But I could tell Felipe wanted it to go well, and so did I. I told him that I believed he was serious about this. I do feel that way, for what it's worth."

"I'm glad you were upfront with him. It sounds like last night went really well. I didn't hear you two last night though, which is kinda weird."

Nikita laughed. "Oh, we didn't sleep together. I was down to, but Felipe didn't want to."

Lexi raised her eyebrows. "Seriously?"

"Seriously!" Nikita confirmed with an amused grin. "I could tell he wanted to earlier on. But when we got to my apartment, he was like, 'I don't want you to think that I said I have feelings for you just so I can still fuck you.' I was fine with it, don't get me wrong. It just surprised me."

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