Chapter 25

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Isaac was chilling in his bedroom once Lexi had left his apartment the next morning. He only had one class that afternoon, so he had all morning to do whatever he wished. So, he decided to tidy up his bedroom and get his backpack ready for his afternoon lecture.

It didn't take too long to cross off those items on Isaac's short To-Do list. With those tasks completed and DeShawn hanging out in his own bedroom, he decided to enjoy the peace and quiet. But that plan quickly changed when he heard the front door open and close. Isaac already knew who it was when he left his room for the entryway of his apartment.

"Hey, Felipe."

A disheveled Felipe ripped his boots and coat off with a half-hearted grin. "Oh, hey. What's up?"

"Not much, just chillin' before class. What about you?"

Felipe smirked. "So...Nikita and I are a...thing, I think?"

Isaac's dark brown eyes widened, causing Felipe to cackle. This wasn't the response the former had been expecting from his childhood friend.

"I'm not joking! I swear to God it's the truth."

"I believe you," Isaac replied. "Wait— were you with Nikita last night?"

"Yeah. I'm assuming Lexi stayed here?" Felipe inquired.

Isaac nodded with a chuckle. "You'd be right. I...I'm sorry, but I'm so baffled as to what you said previously. You and Nikita are a thing now?"

"I don't know what else to call it," Felipe admitted. "But it's more than friendship, that's for sure."

The explanation left Isaac even more confused. "What happened?"

Felipe led him into the living room to sit and chat. Isaac sat on the edge of his seat, eager to hear what had taken place.

"So, remember when I told you about Nikita and I being friends-with-benefits?"

Isaac nodded silently.

"Well, when the new semester started, she approached me after class one day to end the arrangement. It was so out of the blue. I tried to find out why, but Nikita never gave me a reason. She also ignored me unless she had to talk to me in class. It was so awkward."

"Sounds like it. Is that why you've been so quiet recently?"

Felipe nodded. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that, dude. I was so upset that Nikita was ignoring me 'cause it hurt! She's been one of my closest friends from high school, so to have her ignore me out of nowhere really hurt my feelings. I know that sounds lame, but it's true. It wasn't about us not sleeping together anymore— it was deeper than that."

"No, that makes sense. So, she finally explained herself last night?"

"She asked me if we could go to her place and just talk things out. I didn't want to at first, 'cause I was upset that she had ignored me for several weeks. But she seemed really apologetic, so I decided to take her up on her offer.

"So, we go back to Nikita's, and she immediately apologized for ending the friends-with-benefits thing without explanation. Oh, and she apologized for 'being so weird'— her words, not mine. I was glad I got an apology, but it still didn't explain why she ended it in the first place. So, I asked her why. She was like, 'I can't be friends-with-benefits with you anymore because I have feelings for you. I don't see you just as a friend anymore— I see you as more than that.'"

Isaac raised his eyebrows. "Holy shit."

"Yeah, I didn't see it coming either," Felipe confessed while chuckling. "I was just relieved that she doesn't hate me or something. But I didn't think for a second that Nikita would have feelings for me. I mean, given how much I flirt with women— and she's seen me do so— I never thought I'd have a shot with her."

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