Chapter 8

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Cassie sat on the couch of her living room, doing some homework on her laptop. She sat there with her legs crossed and her back resting on a couch pillow. Her body was relaxed as she focused on the task at hand. She'd been hard at work for a couple of hours now and was eager to finish everything before it got too late into the night.

The sudden sound of a man and a woman talking piqued Cassie's interest. She got off the couch and glanced out the window of her apartment. She watched as Lexi and Isaac exited the apartment complex. Cassie assumed that the former had been over at his place for some time now. They appeared to talk for a moment before they both walked away.

Isaac must be walking her home, she thought. Then again, it's not like Isaac would ever tell me.

Cassie rolled her eyes before returning to the couch. She managed to finish what was left of her homework before the hour ended. Once done, she shut her laptop off and stretched out on the couch.

I can't believe they're still a fucking couple, she thought just as a sneer snuck onto her face. I don't know what Isaac sees in that bitch. She's basic, stupid, ugly...UGH!!! I just don't fucking get it.

Realizing that her train of thought wasn't getting her anywhere, Cassie decided to abruptly quit while she was ahead.

I may be done dealing with Isaac, but I'm sure as hell not done with Lexi, she concluded.

She yawned loudly and stretched her arms up over her head. With a quiet sigh, she finally collected her belongings from the living room and retired to her bedroom for the night.


Lexi woke up the next morning with guilt still incredibly heavy on her mind. Her movie night with Isaac couldn't have been better for the most part. They had watched some good movies and enjoyed some good food all while kissing and acting like any other cute night. But then she ruined the night when she stopped him from trying to sleep with her.

I didn't think he'd be ready to sleep with me already, she thought. I never thought to ask about it.

She sighed loudly. When Isaac had offered for them to "unwind", as he had called it, she didn't think that he meant sex. She honestly believed he wanted to just make out with her while he had the apartment to himself. She had no reason whatsoever to suspect that his mind would be on having sex with her.

Her mind kept replaying the moment that his hands undid her denim short shorts, followed by her saying "No" loud and clear. It played like a broken record, making it difficult to delete from her brain.

I'm just glad he didn't get upset when I turned him down, Lexi thought. That would've made the whole thing way worse.

Lexi scrubbed her bare face with her hands and exhaled. She wished she had handled the situation last night in a calmer manner. Her panic had taken over and made her freeze during her and Isaac's make-out session. She couldn't have killed the night's mood more, even if she'd tried.

She checked the time on her phone, which read 8:30 AM on the dot. She sent him a text just one minute after that.

Lexi: Hey, could you please call me when you see this?

Once that was sent, she set her phone beside her on the bed and crawled back under the covers. The warmth of her bed made getting up an undesirable option, but she knew she would have to eventually. She had a list of chores to get through before her upcoming closing shift at Barne's & Noble rolled around— house cleaning, homework, and laundry. She needed to tackle all that before heading off to work.

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