Chapter 17

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Friday, December 10th was just another day for many New York University students. But for Lexi and Isaac, it was also their one-year anniversary. It was one year ago that day when they decided to become a couple.

This milestone was heavy on Lexi's mind when she woke up early that morning. It was her one day off from classes, but Isaac had two classes— an eight AM International Economics lecture, and Urban Economics lecture at noon. So, she has most of the day to herself before she and Isaac got together.

She sat up in bed and proceeded to text him. It was already 7:30 AM, so she knew Isaac was either on his way to class or already there. But it was better to text him now instead of waiting until his lecture had begun.

Lexi: Happy anniversary! I love you so much.

Isaac: Happy anniversary, Lexi. I love you too.

Lexi could feel butterflies fluttering about in her stomach as she typed out a reply. She grinned at the thought of Isaac making her feel this way.

Lexi: I know you have class today, but I was wondering if you'd like to go out for dinner tonight?

Isaac: I'd love to. Let's go to Jenny's since that's where we had our first date.

Lexi: Great idea! Is 5 okay?

Isaac: Sure!

Lexi: Sounds good. I'll call ahead to make a reservation.

Isaac: See you tonight, babe ;)

That last text caused Lexi to widen her eyes in an instant. But she smirked as she regained control of her thoughts.

Tonight should be the night, she thought as she sent out her last text.

Lexi: I want you so bad.

Lexi's mind was now a hot mess of emotions. She was eager for tonight's date, yet she couldn't help but wonder just how far they would take things. Still, she pushed such thoughts out of her mind so that she could complete some schoolwork.

After making a cup of coffee, Lexi took her laptop and readings to the living room couch. Nikita had class from eight in the morning until two PM, leaving the entire apartment to Lexi for most of the day. She began working through her readings while enjoying her morning coffee.

By about noon, Lexi had finished all her class readings. She decided on a whim to kill some more time by working on her book. But first, she made some lunch in the form of avocado toast. After she finished eating, she relocated to her bedroom to begin the task. Music played softly from her phone as she typed away on her laptop. Writing was all on her mind, as was her book.

Lexi managed to type up two chapters by the time she heard Nikita come home from school. It was now almost 2:30 PM at this point. Lexi continued to write anyway despite how long she'd been going at it. But she suddenly hit a wall when she tried to start writing her third chapter of the day. A small groan left her mouth, but she promptly stopped dwelling on it.

That's a good place to stop anyways, she thought. I should shower and get ready for tonight's date.

With that in mind, Lexi opened her bedroom door to see if the bathroom was occupied. When she realized that it was empty, she quickly changed into a black nightgown and grabbed her container of shower products. She took her time exfoliating and shaving her legs, as well as giving her long hair a little extra care.

I don't want to take any chances tonight, she thought. I need to be prepared in case Isaac and I do decide to have sex.

A shiver went up Lexi's spine despite how hot and steamy the shower felt on her fair skin. Once she finished up in the shower, she examined her face in the bathroom mirror. Dark circles remained under her eyes due to a lack of sleep from late nights of homework and writing. A couple of pimples lingered on her chin, and her fair-skinned face was a little red in her cheeks and forehead. Whether the redness was due to having a hot shower or from thinking about tonight's date, she couldn't say for sure. But she put on a smile upon thinking about her date.

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