Kamera stuff

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Happy birthday Keqing
Nsfw if you're dirty minded

Verr Goldet was busy watching the kamera man take multiple pictures of Wangshu inn. Inspection was key.
"I'm sorry sir but these pictures.. I need something to fully promote Wangshu inn." The Kamera man sighed, "We have taken landscape photos and more. Is there something specific you want?"

Behind Verr Goldet was Xiao, arms crossed. "What's going on?" The Yaksha asked, looking at the kamera man. "What a strange mortal device," Xiao murmured.

"Perfect, Xiao can you take the kamera and take pictures from your view of Wangshu inn?" Verr Goldet basically pleaded, the kamera man handed the kamera to Xiao. "Good luck, it'll be hard to please her."

The Adeptus was at a loss for words, rolling his eyes. "I suppose I could help you two." Xiao quickly disappeared and reappeared on Wangshu inn's roof.

"How do you use this?" Xiao questioned, clicking the picture button. A sudden flash erupts and Xiao almost throws the device. Our rolls a white sheet with the picture of Wangshu's view from the rooftop.

"Interesting," Xiao noted, beginning to press the red button while changing the view. Several pictures later Xiao appears in front of the two on the lowest balcony.

"Afternoon mortals, I come equipped with what you needed." Holding multiple pictures, Xiao hands the sheets of paper to Verr Goldet. "There, and here's your contraption." In the yaksha's hands a kamera appeared from teal specks. The kamera shook his head, "Keep it, we have extras." The man stated, turning his attention to Verr Goldet.

"Keep it?" Xiao whispered, looking at the device. "I'll take these to the print shop?" The kamera man asked, brow raised, Verr Goldet nodded her head. "Yes, thank you. Xiao you just earned yourself some almond tofu." The Yaksha silently celebrated as the kamera man said his goodbyes and was off to Liyue harbor.

"You have a good eye, you should take more pictures." Verr Goldet suggested, hands on her hips. Xiao nodded his head, "I would like to take you up on the almond tofu offer."


Digging into the delicious dish, Xiao's mind wandered. "Verr Goldet, what exactly do I use this mortal device for?" Verr Goldet pouted, cheeks puffed.

"Well, I thought that would be obvious. You take pictures of pretty things, people, landscapes-" Xiao nodded his head, his raven hair bouncing with his head. "Something that allures me with its beauty... interesting."

"Yep, I have to get to work, I hope you find what you desire to take photos of."


The next morning, Xiao was left with nothing to do. With how many mortals populated Liyue it seemed most of the monsters faded, all thank you the traveler. Who would slay anything and everything within Liyue.

Speaking of traveler, a certain blond with his floating companion was sprinting up the stairs. "Cmon Paimon we gotta tell Xiao!"

"Paimons so exhausted~" the pixie groaned, Aether was quick to arrive to the balcony. "Hey Xiao!" A light flashes in his eyes and Aether almost falls back. Xiao sees the piece of paper roll out and plops the kamera on the floor.

"Pretty," Xiao murmured, before Aether took the picture from his hands. The Adeptus let out a whimper, "What are you doing? Oh.."

Aether smirks, handing the photo to Xiao. "We should take a selfie," The blond picks up the kamera from the floor and faces the lens to him and Xiao.

"Smile," Aether's hand snaked around Xiao's waist. The Yaksha does not smile, and Aether realizes that when he sees the picture. "Oh cmonnn Xiao~" the blond pouts, taking the picture for himself.

"Whatever, this is mine now," Xiao furrowed his brows, "Perhaps, traveler, there is something you had to tell me?"

Aether bounced his head, "There's this thing called dango milk and the Raiden Shogun just sent me two containers of it from Inazuma." Xiao raised his brows, "The electro archon you have now befriended?!"

"Yes, yeah she tried to kill me but we're good now. That's in the past," The traveler waved his hand dismissively, Xiao was still very bothered when it came to the amount of enemies Aether had befriended.

"It's sweet, we thought you'd like it." At that moment Paimon slugged onto the balcony. She was on the floor, face down, moving like a worm.

"Ignore Paimon, she's had a bad day." Aether excused, looking over the balcony. "Verr Goldet has the dango milk on the main balcony." Xiao nodded his head in interest.

"Let's head down stairs then."


One dragging Paimon down the stairs moment later, the group was sat at the table in Smiley Yanxiao's kitchen. The smell of diced lettuce and cooking broth filled the kitchen.

"This is delicious," Xiao remarked, taking a sip of the milk. Descending from the steps was Verrgoldet holding a tray of dango milk. "Here you guys go-" Mid sentence she had tripped over Paimon's body that was still on the floor. The dango milk flew through the air and landed all over Aether.

"Traveler, I'm sorry! Paimon, you-" The pixie let out a groan. Xiao quickly took the kamera off flash and took multiple pictures of the blond in the sticky white mess.

"Don't worry about it, are you hurt?" Aether asked, his eyes closed so that dango milk didn't attack his eyes. "Yep alright, Xiao can you bring Aether to your room to shower?" The Adeptus cleared his throat and shoved the erotic pictures into his pocket.

"With pleasure, of course," Xiao quickly took the blond's hand and they disappeared from the scene.
Verr Goldet cleaned Paimon up in the sink as well as cleaning the floor.


"Hah, Xiao what's gotten into you?" The blond asked, breathless. Xiao's hips stopped his moving, "Stay like that," the Yaksha took the kamera off flash and took a picture of the blond. With his chest rising and falling along with his rosy cheeks. A sight to behold.

"Round two?" Xiao asked, kissing the blond's forehead. Multiple times might I add.

Xiao became a photographer shortly after.

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