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What's better than tired traveler x Xiao

Thunder cackled with evil laughter, as lighting struck and lit a tree ablaze.

Aether and Xiao were sheltered from the storm, beneath a shack. "Demons do not stop in the midst of rain." Xiao grumbled, crossing his arms. The two were sat on a wooden bench, Aether swayed his legs slowly and Xiao contemplated whether moving was the best choice.

"For someone who claims to be not mortal you tire easily, then again perhaps that's due for you are from another world." Xiao murmured, turning to the blond for a response. Aether's head, with a light thud, leaned on Xiao's shoulder.

The Adeptus was caught of guard and jerked back. Before quickly catching Aether before he fell. "Y-you.." Xiao quiets, looking at the sleeping traveler.

His brows were slightly furrowed, with a little frown resting on his lips. Cheeks puffed and glinted of valberry pink. Xiao put his arm on Aether's shoulders, letting his hand glide down into a side hug.

"I suppose, we'll rest for a bit." Xiao muttered, glancing at the traveler in his arms.

"You're not safe exposed in the open." Xiao stated firmly, before carefully sliding an arm under the traveler's legs and picking him up.

A new position was made, with Aether sat in between Xiao's legs and the back of his head leaning on Xiao's shoulder. "I can easily see you now, able to protect you in case of any on coming threat." Xiao said to the sleeping traveler. A small smile graces his lips as he wraps his arms around the front of the traveler and hugs him tightly.

"Rest well."

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