My love

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Xiao was sitting on the roof of Wangshu inn, his leg swinging whilst the other was close to his chest. The hour was nearing evening, the sun was descending behind Cloud Retainer's abode. With night came fireflies a plenty, colors of gold painting the near night sky.

"I knew you were here," a familiar voice sang, footsteps treading lightly on the rooftop. Xiao did not turn around, greeted with his usual kiss on the back of his head. Then Aether sat down next to him. The two did not exchange a word, Xiao leaned on Aether's shoulder. Looking out at the waters east, the ocean glittered, its tide high but calm.

"I am surprised you are here, you are often busy with your ... duties." Xiao dislikes how the traveler is so easily utilized by all around him. He fails to see the purpose of helping ungrateful mortals and immortals. "Sumeru was fun, I'm sorry for being gone so long, I'll be sure to stay longer now." Xiao does not believe a word out of the traveler's mouth.

"You say that now, wait, you will be off to another region once again." Xiao clicks his tongue, he fails to hide his disappointment. "Xiao, oh come on~ I'm always here for you!!" Aether sighs, moving to where he was laying on Xiao's lap. Curling up against his lover. "I will go one but you have to hug me first," Aether explains and even though Xiao was quite adamant on giving the cold shoulder he obliged. Letting his arm rest on Aether's waist.

"My love, come with me to the Wind Blume, anything really! I would be pleased by your company. Please Xiao just a little bit?"

"And abandon my post? Ludicrous." Xiao shakes his head, closing his eyes and sighing, "Traveler.. visit Liyue at least once or twice a week. It does get lonely without you." Aether chuckles softly, "We've been in love for how long yet you act so tough." Aether teases, sure Xiao is soft but he would never admit that.

"Let's put an end to this drab news, why don't we get ourselves some almond tofu?" Aether suggests, looking up at Xiao as if waiting for something.
"You already know my answer, what are you waiting for?" The Adeptus asks his companion, cocking a brow.

"A kiss," Aether mumbles, puffing his cheeks while looking away from Xiao. Xiao can't help but recognize his infatuation with the traveler. His bravery, his selflessness, his cuteness, all words he learned from the traveler by the way, maybe one day he could follow him on his adventures. For the time being, however, this will work.

"Alright," Xiao finally speaks after seconds of silence, Aether worried his partner might've died. This was proved incorrect after soft lips pressed against his cheek. "Let's take our leave now... my love?" Xiao was unsure if he had used the nickname correctly. Judging from the traveler's grin he had done it right. "You leave me speechless you know that?"

"So I've heard." Xiao flashes a smile, almost forgetting about his cold exterior. The question had caused his stomach to feel as if butterflies filled it. That's certainly not normal.. is he dying? "Traveler feel my stomach, I may be dying."



Xiao later learned about having "butterflies in your stomach" from a lover. He then went to explain to Zhongli that he finally understands why he keeps Childe around.

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