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           All the stalls in Childe part of town where bustling with people as lines could be seen for miles at food stores and gift stores. Arriving near the neighborhood part of town, Childe's house could be instantly viewed from the turned corner as it was the largest. Walking to the front doorstep the thought of the events the night before appeared but soon disappeared as your stress melted away when you gave few knocks on Childe door. Hearing rushed footsteps you knew they where Childes as you already knew the way his footsteps sounded. Smiling, Childe opened the door excited too see you.
              "Y/n! What are you doing her?!" Childe asked rushing towards you and hugging you gently knowing you where carrying something.
        "I was just wondering if you wanted too come on a picnic with me!" Holding a basket childe smiled excitedly.
        "OF COURSE ILL COME LEMME GET MY SHOES ON!" Quickly walking in his house he turned back around towards you "You should come in too!! Wouldn't want my lovely friend too be waiting outside for me!" Leaving you in the front hallways of Childe house for a few minutes he soon came stumbling down the stairs still trying too put on one of his boots before he stood up straight on the ends of the stairs smiling at you as a sign that he was ready too go. Laughing Childe opened the front door for you politely letting you leave first before closing the door after him.
           "So where are we having the picnic hun?" Walking side by side each other down the crowded streets of Childes neighborhood.
       "We'll I was thinking of a place in Byakko Plain that I thought would be nice too visit with you!" Laughing you both had small talk about each others day as Childe said he just filled few commissions for his work and came home too wash up and sleep. Both making jokes and laughs Byakko plain came into view as you saw where the road was leading too the beach. Continuing on the path you and Childe where walking on the perfect spot came into sight as it sat under a dent in the rocks giving shade and view of the soon too be setting sunset. Stopping at the spot you wanted too sit at Childe seemed surprised at the beautiful spot you picked next too the sea. Laughing at Childes child like behavior you sat down on the blanket you brought from home in the dent of rocks and sat down motioning childe too come sit down.
        "Wow y/n! You're great at choosing spots! Maybe next time we go on dates like this I should let you pick spots and I cook!" Him laughing you gave a slight laugh but blushed most of the small time.
       "Childe also!" Pulling out the present out of the bag you gave Childe the book and cologne. "For you!"
          Laughing Childe grabbed the presents examining both almost as if his heart was melting on the spot. As no thoughts came out of his mouth he instantly hugged you with the gifts in his hand.
          "Thank you so much y/n!" Blushing he continued on "they're so lovely!!! I wish I had gotten you something!"

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