🦋 Signs When Their Crush Doesn't Message Back 🦋

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Aries: "I HATE THEM"

Taurus: "oh...."

Gemini: "wHy Do ThEy HaTe Me??! Why aren't they replying??!?!!!!!?!"

Cancer: :( :/

Leo: *develops a different crush and messages them instead*

Virgo: "idec! Who needs them?" *Cries on the inside*

Libra: Probably doesn't even notice because they have so many people to talk to

Scorpio: "Hahahahahahahaha they suck"

Sagittarius: *gets angry af but plays it cool*

Capricorn: "oh well"

Aquarius: "why wouldn't they reply? Actually, I don't care anymore. Wait, yes I do. No, I don't. Ahhh shit!"

Pisces: "Maybe I upset them????" *Messages again*

* * *

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