chapter 7

298 4 3

shut up my moms calling by hotel ugly

"hate the way i love you
but you so sweet
i always find a way
to say the wrong things"

"touched it!" washio yelled. komi easily retrieve the ball, sending it right over to the setter's position. it was the third set, with each team winning one set.

"konoha-san!" akaashi said. you still didn't understand why akaashi had to be so formal.

the wing-spiked started his approach, and so did the nekoma blockers. kuroo and lev were now both standing in front of the ball, while konoha hit it. konoha slammed the ball on the other side of the court, tying the 3rd set at 24-24.

"nice kill, konoh-," you stopped yourself remembering you were being the manager for nekoma.

"good block, kuroo! good block, lev!" you fixed your words.

konoha smiled at your cheering. he was happy that you still cheered for him, although you were currently on the other team. his grin changed to a small frown, once he knew that you didn't mean to cheer for him.

"get that service ace!" bokuto yelled happily.

saruki served the ball in one motion. he was known to have a pretty powerful serve. yaku received the ball, sending it to kale. he did a sly setter dump earning a point for nekoma.

watching them play was always a pleasure. they all looked like pros, and they probably will be in the future. you couldn't take your eyes off them.

"nice dump, kale!" again, the pudding head looked at you weirdly. why? you had absolutely no idea.

after a few more rallys', the score was changed. it was 28-27, in the favor of nekoma.

"konoha-san!" akaashi yelled. again, he set the ball to konoha. without fault, akaashi was a consistent setter.

konoha spiked the ball, and it looked almost perfect. unfortunately, the ball hit out of bounds. nekoma had taken the third set.

"good job, you guys!" you high fived all of the nekoma team as the 6 came in. you handed them waters and gatorades.

"also, you guys. i probably shouldn't be telling you this, but stand farther back when receiving." you explained.

"i noticed that one of your hoes hits it out of bounds quite a bit." kuroo adds. you look at him in confusion.

"hmm, which one?"

yaku sits up and says, "damn, y/n. how many hoes do you have?"

"shut up, short stack, and which one?"you reply.

"you know, the one who loves you." kuroo takes another sip of his orange gatorade.

"what? who are you talking about?" you asked.

yaku got up from his seat and begins to stretch.

"young people, am i right, kuroo?" he laughed like an old man at thanksgiving.

"young people?" you say, "i'm literally only 2 months younger than you. and you shouldn't say anything when your that short, my man."

"i'm not short. i'm just grow...later," yaku retorts walking away.

"bokuto-san, please don't drink y/n's hand sanitizer." akaashi said normally. you were walking home with them after the practice game. at least you had made some new friends within the nekoma team.

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