chapter 13

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poison by brent faiyaz

"girl, you do damage to me
you know i love it, yeah i love you"

"slow down, konoha!" you groaned. "you play volleyball, i don't."

he ran slower so you could keep up, but still kept a tight grip on your hand. he was leading you somewhere, before volleyball practice. you had no idea where to both were going but he claimed it was worth it.

"how long we gonna keep running?" you asked, desperately.

"just like 3 more minutes. maybe more. i kinda don't remember."

"that's great," you breathed out. you look down at your hand. konoha was still holding it. it had become so comfortable you forgot.

"so it doesn't look as good as it does at night. i'll bring you another time."

"dude, i still don't know where we are going. and we are going to be late for practice."

"and we're here!" konoha stops running, making you slightly bump into him.

besides your little fall, you looked around and noticed the view. it was a sightseeing place that showed the whole view of the city. you could see why he said it was worth it.

"sit." he pats next to him on a black bench. "you know, i, uh don't really bring anyone up here. last time i did that, bokuto almost fell of that railing."

you chuckled. "you were right. it is worth it."

"oh, i was right? or did i hear it wrong?" he puts his hand to his right ear, with a slight grin on his face.

"honestly, i think you heard it wrong." you responded, smirking. "but, for real, i'm flattered you brought me here. thank you."

"uh, your welcome."

you both looked at the stunning view, relaxed, and  sat in a comfortable silence for while. konoha's was also looking at the beautiful view. the beautiful features that were planted on gods favorite. and, he liked the sky too.

you turned to your left to look at konoha, but found him already staring at you. he quickly looks away, playing it off.

"we should probably head to practice. it starts in..7 minutes ago."

he quickly gets up and holds your hand again, before running quickly down the hill you just ran up.

"i thought i told you i wasn't born an athlete, sir." you said, wearily.

"yea, but if we don't make it soon, bokuto is gonna go into his sad mode, and practice will just be running." he holds your hand tighter and runs faster.

"that really doesn't affect me-"

"shut up."

the two arrived at the gym doors, out of breath from running. the team was practicing. bokuto, sarukui, and akaashi were practicing hitting. komi and washio were receiving and blocking. once you opened the doors, everybody looked at you.

"hello. nice of you guys to show up." kaori said, waking past you.

"sorry, i wont be late again." you apologized.

"i can't promise that. bye," konoha says. he smiles, waves to you, and leaves to go change.

the rest of the team and konoha goes back to practicing, but akaashi comes over to you.

"what did you two do?"

"what do you mean by that?"

"well, you both were out of breath when you came here and had wrinkled clothing so-"

"AKAASHI."  you yelled as he ran away.

the rest of practice goes by as usual. the coach reminded your team that the training camp was in four days.

practice has finished and you wanted to talk to akaashi about something. he was on the floor taking his volleyball shoes off.

"hello," he says as you walk over to him.

"hey, i got a question." you sit on the floor next to him.

"sure, go ahead." he puts his shoes in his back bag and listens.

"how'd your mom take, you know. you and bo?" you ask, sincerely.

"oh. she took it," he pauses and smiles, "quite well, actually."

"dude, that's great!"

"yea, but what about you and konoha?" he looks at you and grins. you look at your already tied shoes and continue to lace them. again. "fine, i wont talk about that. but didn't konoha find out about you and koutaro messing up with his locker?"

"that was you guys?" konoha yelled, suddenly popping out from behind the wall.

"i ain't do that.." you lied and stood up from the floor.

"do you know how long it took me to get that off? the tape was stuck for three days and the glitter was on all of my books. and my shoes. the teachers thought i was in arts and crafts and i had people from the occult club looking for me everyday after science class, where my books could literally be turned into a diary for an 8 year old. did you hear what happened to komi when he attempted that?" he ranted as you look to akaashi for help. he mouthed 'i told you'.

you lightly chuckled and said, "it wasn't me?"

you bolted for the gym doors as konoha's chased after you.


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