chapter 10

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something about you- eyedress

"she looks just like a dream
the prettiest girl i've ever seen
from the cover of a magazine"

she was all konoha could think about.

he didn't understand his attraction to her. sure, she was beautiful. very beautiful. sure, she was smart and generous.

mabye he was just surprised. konoha hadn't really felt affection, and she gave it to him. affection had always made konoha drawn to a person.

but mabye it wasn't. mabye konoha just straight up likes her. but, who wouldn't?

komi taps konoha's shoulder. they were walking to get food somewhere and komi decided on the cafe where kaori works.

"you know, konoha-"

"i think i like y/n." konoha says, randomly. he stops walking. it was only bokuto, komi and akaashi with him, so he supposed nobody would be weird about it.

"wow, shocker." komi replied.

"i would have never guessed, konoha." akaashi said in a monotone voice.

"even i knew that." bokuto laughs.

"guys, i'm serious." konoha replies.

"well, i'm pretty sure she already knows." komi says to konoha.


akaashi opens the door to the cafe and hold it for komi and konoha, "nah, y/n is kinda clueless."

the four found a table near the window to finish their conversation.

"mabye," komi reasons, "but your not really good at hiding your feelings. like, at all."

"seriously, i'm sure even coach knows you like the girl." akaashi teases. kaori walked up to their usual table.

"bro, i'm sure the volleyball refs even know." kaori adds and laughs, "but what are we talking about?"

the other three laughed.

"yo, i told you guys i like her so your could help. i didn't come here to be bashed." konoha rolls his eyes. he truly didn't know what to do about his little crush thing. or whatever.

"yea, yea, yea. anyways what do you guys want to eat?" kaori asked. konoha, bokuto, akaashi, and komi ordered deserts.

"wait kaori," komi stops her and smirks, "i think konoha over here would like one y/n."

"shut up or i will... i will..," konoha stutters.

"konoha is so in love he can't think right." bokuto says jokingly as konoha shoved his hands in his face out of embarrassment. komi, kaori, and akaashi all laugh.

"plus, training camp is soon. wouldn't that be the perfect opportunity?" akaashi reasons with the embarrassed boy. kaori nodded her head in agreement.

"i'll be going with you guys, so i can work something out-"

"no, definitely not," konoha interrupts.

"cmon?!" kaori responds.

"fine, just don't be a dumbass. i mean, yeah. i guess i do like her." konoha finally admits.

"seriously, konoha. if you like her, then ask her out." bokuto says.

"bo, it's not that easy." konoha retorts and kaori goes to get their orders.

"yes, it is. i'll do it right now." bokuto puffs his chest out and stands up.

"HUH?" komi and konoha said in unison. akaashi just stared at bokuto.

"so, akaashi, will you go out with me?" bokuto asks randomly. he stared at akaashi deeply so he would answer. 

"what? like, for real?" the flustered akaashi responded. konoha and komi's jaws were still on the floor. they knew they kinda liked each other but were shocked by bokuto being so sudden.

"yea? i like you, so.."

"yes, i would love to, bokuto," akaashi couldn't keep himself from smiling, and neither could bokuto. kaori came back to the table with their deserts, where komi and konoha were still baffled.

"what the hell did i miss?"

"konoha? watch out!" a voice yelled.

but, konoha was not watching out. he was daydreaming. and you noticed this. the answer to why was unknown.

he was actually spacing out for the whole practice. he once received the ball with his knee.

due to him being distracted, the wing spiked got hit in the head with a volleyball. and yes it was one that the ace hit. 

"is he okay?" yukie whispered to you.

"you better go check on your boyfriend," yukie adds, smirking. yukie chuckles with her.

"shut up, you both look expired," you replied. you walked over to konoha, who was sitting on the floor.

"hey, are you okay?" you asked, concerned. he was holding onto his left eye.

"yea, but i think there's something wrong with my eye."

"damn, can you see out of it? what's wrong with it?" you touch his hand to try to get it off of his eye. both you and konoha were getting flustered, but you were more worried. konoha sat up.

"i just can't seem to stop staring at you. wait- don't leave! my eye still hurts!"

there's kinda a point of view change in here so sorry

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