chapter 12

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get you- daniel ceaser ft. kali uchis

"every time I look into your eyes I see it
you're all I need"

"huddle up!" coach calls. you and the team went to the coach and listened.

"so," the assistant coach started,"next week, are having a training camp at shinzen and we have a new school coming. it's us, nekoma, shinzen, ubugawa, and karasuno."

konoha looked at you and mouthed: your team?

you nodded and smiled. karasuno would be joining your current team at the training camp. you couldn't help but be excited to see your old friends. you smiled, and that made konoha smile.

after talking for a while, the team had finished practicing, and konoha offered to walk home with you.

you and konoha were about to leave, when akaashi came from behind you.

"hey lovebirds, do you mind if i walk with you?" akaashi asked, catching up with you.


"nah, we don't mind." konoha responds for the both of you. he adjusted his backpack and gave you a small smile.


akaashi walked between the both of you, on purpose.
he said,"you know, i love being a third wheel for-"

"SO, WHEN ARE YOU ASKING BO OUT?" you try to avert the conversation to something else than your sad attempt at a relationship.

"actually, he already asked me out. i didn't tell you?" akaashi said, nonchalantly. you stopped walking to see if he was playing with you, but he looked dead serious.

"WHAT?" you yelled, causing other people on the streets to look at you.

" i was there, and i didn't even know they liked each other." konoha admitted.

"well, your just blind and inattentive. like super blind, konoha-san." akaashi adds in. he adjusted his glasses and smirks at you.

"bitch." you whispered to akaashi.

"how am i blind and inattentive?" konoha mocks akaashi with hand quotes, confused.

"never mind." akaashi lets out a small chuckle.

you finally got the whole story about akaashi getting to go out on a date with bokuto. though, it seemed a little bit suspicious that konoha kept leaving out parts and telling akaashi to shut up whenever the conversation turned to him.

"could you guys wait for me? i need to get my little sister a snack." akaashi points to the convenient store next to you. it was located near your house, so you wouldn't mind waiting.

you and konoha both nodded your heads and watched akaashi go in the shop. you sat on a black bench outside the store and konoha sat down next to you. beside you, there was a green tulip on the floor.

"we have math homework, right?" konoha checked with you, looking through his backpack.

"yea, we do. here." you picked up the pretty tulip and gave it to him. when he took it, your fingers touched.

"it matches your eyes."you noted. konoha laughs awkwardly.

"it does, doesn't it? thanks you. i mean thanks." he stuttered. konoha carefully put the beautiful flower in the side of his hag, making sure it doesn't fall over.

akaashi appears from around the corners. he looks at your too faces, both obviously lovestruck.

"so, anyone gonna tell me what i missed here?" he smirks . you glare at him and muttered the only response you could think of.


"hey, ki!" you excitedly said to the person in your phone. you decided it would be a good time to talk to one of your friends, kiyoko, also because you wanted to share the news about the training camp.

"y/n, how are you?" she responded, bringing her pretty face closer to the screen.

"i'm doing great, but i got some important news~!" you sang.

"i already know! i'm very excited for the training camp."

"damn, here i was all excited but never mind."

kiyoko let out a chuckle.

"but," says you, " how's it going with you? with tanaka and nishinoya constantly simping over you?"

"it's annoying, as always."

"bro, but your so pretty! seriously, marry me."

"gladly." she smiles.

" cmon, i know you have a soft spot for tanaka."

"no, y/n. i don't. but i heard from a little birdie that you have a soft soft for someone. and this someone is konoha." she smirks while waiting for you response.


"looks like yukie was right."

"yukie told you?"

"yeah. so it's true? you finally have a boyfriend!"

"he's not my boyfriend..."


"kiyoko." you say, annoyed. kiyoko looks at your face and pushes her up pink glasses.

"babe, trust me. with all the managers there, you both can't leave that place without at least 4 children and 7 grandchildren."

can't get enough of you | A. KONOHAWhere stories live. Discover now