chapter 9

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for the first time- mac demarco

"it's just like seeing her
for the first time


"who wants to go first?"

"i'll go first, if nobody else wants to." akaashi says and walks to the front of the club room.

"here. don't look." washio holds a black hat in front of akaashi. he covers his eyes and takes the paper inside the hat. he smiled when he unfolded it.

i hope i get a good person to shop for...

it was a friday afternoon, right before christmas break. most of your team was involved in the secret santa you all set up. it was mainly you and konoha's idea, but washio helped with the names.

it was you, bokuto, akaashi, konoha, kaori, washio, komi, yukie, and sarukui. you were hoping to get bokuto because he was easy.

after a few people had gotten up and went, you walked to the front of the room. reaching in the picking hat, you got a folded piece of paper.

akaashi....aight, he's not a bad person to shop for.

konoha walked up to the front of the room and read his person in his head.

yukie...what the hell do i get her?,konoha thought and walked back to his big joe chair.

eventually, everyone ended up going ending with washio.

"what if the person doesn't like my gift?" washio asked. he had a straight face.

"they would have to suck it up." you replied.

he looked back at you and tilted his head."why would they eat my gift?"


"y/n," konoha whisper shouts,"y/n!"

he leans foward in his desk and taps you on the back.  you turn around to receive a note from konoha. you usually pass notes in math class a lot because of where your seats were.


you wanna go to the shopping outlet after school? i don't know what to get my secret santa :/


you finished reading the note then picked up your mechanical pencil.

sure. i gotta get something for mine too and i don't know what to get em.

you tossed the note back to konoha. christmas eve was in 2 days. today was friday, the last day at school, so you planned to go to the store anyways. on christmas eve, your team was doing a christmas party in the team room.


"hey." you walked up to konoha.



"i gotta tell komi where i'm going. wait right here, ok? i'm sure he's in the volleyball room." konoha leaves his backpack down with you and speedwalks to the volleyball room.

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