chapter 16

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lottery by kali ulchis

"can you take this chance on me?
you won't regret it, come on and get it?"

"hi everyone!!!" you smile as you see your old team, karasuno.

asahi was your best friend since childhood, but you still were very close with the rest of the team.
you talked with the team for a while, the first years just staring at you from a distance. it was so nice to talk to everyone, reliving past memories and establishing new ones.

"um, y/n." konoha appeared behind you with a small frown on his face.

"hey, what's up?" you turned away from the karaduno boys and look into his dark eyes.

"our game is gonna start soon or are you planning on being their manager today?" he pulled on your hand.

"no, aki. relax i'm coming. bye guys, see you later, okay?" you waved goodbye to the karasuno team and gave asahi a half hug, only because konoha still had grip of your left hand.

"who is that guy?" konoha asked you, with a serious look on his face.

"it's asahi. he's my best friend since like kindergarten. i thought you knew him?"


"why did you ask, what do you want to know?"

"no reason, nothing?"

"is someone jealous?" a small smirk grew on your face when you turned to face him.

"no, not at all."

"babes, i think you mean yes."

"okay, whatever. maybe." he wasn't really listening because he liked it when you called him that.

halfway walking there, you realize konoha was still holding your hand from when he took you away from the karasuno team.

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