Chapter 1

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Your POV

You wake up and slightly lift your head, wincing at the painful throb your head gave out.

You finally look down, and your laying on a bed of golden flowers? You look around a bit more and see some 'spotlight'. Heh- It sounded so weird in your brain, though it was the only way you could describe it. You turn your head and see a ...purple door?

Yeah, definitely purple. You slowly get up and start walking toward it. You go through and see another purple door, beyond a patch of grass.

As soon as you get within one foot of the grass, a flower pops out of the earth.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!" The flower- Flowey says with a smile.

You're shocked to meet a talking flower- you thought it was a dream, and even pinched yourself- hard to test if you were actually awake, or in a dream. The flower chuckles at your attempt to 'wake up'.

"Hmmm..." Flowey taps his non-existence chin with equally non-existence arms.

"You're new to the Underground, aren'tcha?" Flowey smiles.

"Golly, you must be so confused! Someone ought to teach you how things work around here! I guess little old me will have to do. Ready? Here we go!" Flowey's smile stretches a bit further. Not very far, but far enough to make you wonder how he can smile that wide.

Suddenly, you see a white box outside your body, and a heart with several colors. A tinge of blue, a bit of a cyan, a bit more purple, red and orange double the amount of the purple, yellow outweighing the red by a smidge, and finally green, the color with the most amount. (That's what my soul looks like, yours can look like anything :D)

Below the white box had something saying LV 1, then a health bar-looking thing saying 20/20.

"See that heart? That is your Soul. The very culmination of your being! Your Soul starts off weak, but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV." Flowey states with a grin on his face.

You try moving your 'soul' to your amusement, it works. (Don't ask how you move your soul).

"What's LV stand for? Why, LOVE of course!" Flowey looks directly at your soul when he says it. "You want some LOVE, don't you? Don't worry, I'll share some with you!" Flowey makes something white, shaped like one of those anime emojis when a character is happy or pleased, sticking his tongue out as it appears and disappears.

"Down here, LOVE is shared through..." Flowey stops talking and pauses for the dramatic effect. "Little white..." Said talking flower pauses yet again. "Friendliness pellets." Flowey makes some more white things, five to be exact, shaped like ovals, in a semi-circle formation at the top of said flower's head.

"Are you ready? Move around! Get as many as you can!" The flower is aiming the pellets at you as he's saying it.

You look at him and smile. "Thanks, Flowey!" Said flower's eyes widen, and you stand still, trusting the flower.

Right before they connect with your soul, the pellets disappear, and Flowey sighs.

You look at him in confusion. "Huh, why'd you make them disappear?"

"You idiot- I'm giving you mercy right now..." The flower sighs at how naive you were.

"Huh?" You blink at him, not getting it.

"... Those aren't friendliness pellets, they can kill you. This place is called the Underground, where we monsters were banished many centuries ago. The thing keeping us from going back to the surface is a magical spell that creates a barrier, making it so that you can enter from the hole you just fell down, but no way out. The only way to break the barrier forever is with 7 human souls, since human souls are thousands of times stronger than ours. We currently have six, meaning that you would technically be the 8th (not a typo, you'll see why later). Us monsters have magic-" Flowey recreates the pellets and shows them to you- "Which we can use for many different purposes. One of them is for attacking, which I almost used to kill you. Understand human?"

Your brain is still swirling from all the information Flowey just told you. Which is understandable, since he just said 121 words- but hey, who's counting? You nod, and suddenly hear footsteps...

A/N: Thank you for reading :D I will be updating this every Saturday, since I already have another book going on- I'll see you on Saturday! If you have any ideas for this, just comment them :) I'll be more than happy to write a chapter about your idea. Welp- See ya!

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