Chapter 12

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??? POV

Me and my sister, Clover finished dinner and head upstairs to my room. She watches me turn on my computer and open up Undertale.

"There you go, Clover. Do whatever you want, I'm going to my friend's house to pick something up." Clover nods happily at me.

"???, you're acting... different than normal, but, ok!" Clover puts on the headset and starts playing. I smile and close the door behind me when I leave.

Your POV

You wake up and slightly lift your head, wincing at the painful throb your head gave out.

Just like when you first fell down.

This was different, though. You were in a fish-themed room, laying down on a fish-themed bed. The fish-themed decorations smelled of fish (A/n: Dang- that's a lot of fish- sorry- couldn't resist).

"HUMAN! YOU'RE AWAKE!" You see Papyrus sitting in the chair beside you. You had somehow skipped him when analyzing the room. (A/n: Why tho?- He's 6'1-Like how?) You sit up.

"HUMAN, YOU MUST STAY DOWN. YOUR INJURY, AS WELL AS THE ONE IN YOUR SOUL, WILL TAKE TIME TO HEAL!" Papyrus abruptly stands up in concern. The chair he was sitting on falls backward. (A/n: I stan for Chair- poor Chair.)

"Oh, sorry about that, Papyrus." You lay back down and turn your head to grin at him. Papyrus huffs and picks up the chair to sit back down again.

"Dang Papyrus... Guess you're the Chair-skeleton now." Papyrus looks at you, horrified. His horrified expression turns to annoyance and turns toward the door.

"SANS!!!!!! YOU HAVE RUINED THIS HUMAN!!!" Papyrus stands up, making the chair topple backward once again. Papyrus pays no attention to it and stomps out of the room. He comes back a few seconds later- the only difference is that he was holding a very familiar short skeleton by the collar of his blue jacket.

"sorry, kid. i would help you out, but i'm in a bit of a situation right now. a neck-breaking situation." Papyrus's already irritated face gets ten times the irritated-ness than it was before.

"GET. OUT." Sans looks at Papyrus, confused.

"but- this is undyne's house..." Papyrus marches to the doorway, still holding Sans by his hood.

"GET! OUT!!" You see Papyrus go to where you assumed was the front door of the house, open the door, and abruptly drop Sans on his tailbone outside.

Papyrus dusts off his hands and goes back to the room you were in, as if he totally didn't just kick his brother out of someone else's house.

"SORRY ABOUT THAT, Y/N! I JUST... HAVE ZERO TOLERANCE FOR PUNS. ESPECIALLY BAD PUNS." You suddenly feel intimidated by the glare Papyrus is giving you.

"... All right, Papyrus..." You give Papyrus a nervous smile.

"Human scum- Wake up!!" The fish monster- or Undyne, kicks down the door and bursts into the room. You cover your ears. She was almost louder than even Papyrus, but not quite. This was the one who taught him first how to make spaghetti. Wait, did she just call you human scum...? Meh. Whatever.

"You better heal up soon! I've been itching for a fight ever since that human came..." Papyrus looks stressed out and appears to be in deep thought.

"NYEH HEH HEH!! I SEEMS LIKE THE GREAT PAPYRUS MUST USE THE RESTROOM! I WILL BE BACK SHORTLY!! NYEH HEH HEH!!!" Papyrus turns around and tries to throw himself out of the house from the window on the wall to your left. Emphasis on tries. The poor skeleton fails and instead earns himself a pain in his skull. The window seemed to be pretty resilient- it was completely unscathed.

"OWIE!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE WINDOW?!" Papyrus stands back up, preparing to try again.

"Oh, that. You kept breaking my window and never paid for the replacement, so I replaced it with stronger glass." Undyne glares at Papyrus, who seems to pale, even though he doesn't have any skin. Just bone.

Chara's POV

I'm following Frisk, or whoever this is.

They're not Frisk... huh?

They're someone else. But... who?

They're acting... different than usual.

As if they're a different person... Why couldn't we just have a completely normal timeline, where none of this happened...?

Clover's POV

??? is acting... different. They're more tense than normal. It can't be because of this game... right? It's just a game, after all. I think as I play the game. The monster I'm facing stares at me in horror, gazing at the frying pan in my hand.

Sorry about that... Oh, your name is Tsunderplane, huh? Sorry, but I want to help ??? out with their goal... whatever it is. It's my responsibility to help my sibling, even in a game.

I press the Fight button and hit near the center, about three times. The poor monster's HP bar is completely depleted.

"B-but I never got to...!" The plane mumbles before disintegrating. I watch sadly as the monster is reduced to a small pile of dust. I see a ribbon to the side. I smile guiltily and place the ribbon on top of the deceased monster's dust, creating a small memorial. I walk away.

Back to Your POV

You suddenly get an idea and concentrate. Your Menu opens up, and you go to your Stats. Sure enough, the Restore button is right there, above your name. You press it, and your headache stops. Papyrus and Undyne turn to look at you, confused. A few awkward moments tick by before Papyrus perks up.

"WOWIE!!! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD DO THAT, Y/N!!!" Papyrus rushes over, crushing you in a hug.

"Well, now that you're all healed... LETS GO KICK SOME HUMAN BUTT!" Undyne punches the air with her fist.

"WAIT ONE MOMENT, UNDYNE! LET THE HUMAN RELAX FOR A BIT!" Papyrus looks pleadingly at said fish monster.

"... Alright, but only because you asked...!" Undyne huffs and sits down in a fish-themed chair.

"Papyrus...?" He lets go and turns his head to look at you.

"YES, HUMAN?" Papyrus cocks his head.

"Where's Flowey...?"

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