Chapter 11

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Flowey's POV

"I'll be up ahead." I pop into the ground and out to the next room. The second I see Y/n and Mk, I pop back in and out into the next room. They never caught sight of me, but I did. I'm waiting in the room after the bridge and hear yelling.

What in all the Timelines is happening in there? (A/n: The Undertale fanfics I read say Asgore's Beard or Annoying Dog, so I wanted to be a bit original :D.)

I pop to the place before the bridge- I can't go onto land with no base- unlike Smiley Trashbag. I see Y/n falling from the bridge. This no longer phases me. I turn back.

Your POV

You're falling. After what seems like hours, you see the ground getting closer and closer by the second. Your head connects with the ground, right as two ropes wrap themselves around your ankles, and everything goes black.

Monster Kid's POV

I stand back, helpless as the new human plunges into the pit. I'm reassured the second I see the flower from earlier sends a vine down the bridge, hopefully, to get the human. They both seem to get along, I'd be surprised if he didn't save them. I'm reminded that Undyne was here as she smiles and puts down her spear. She doesn't seem to have seen the flower yet.

"There. I've taken care of the human scumbag. Mk, are you alright?" Undyne me in the eye with a reassuring look on her face.

"But the human was-" Undyne cuts me off, her stare hardening.

"Did the scum do anything to you? I told you to run, didn't I?" My defiant expression deflates once Undyne glares at me.

"N-no, the human was nice! They helped you, Undyne! You didn't have to knock them off the bridge..." I turn away from her.

My expression brightens when the vines come back up, bringing the human with them! The flower from earlier appears at the other side of the bridge, dragging the human's body up to ground level. A red liquid is running down the side of their head. I paid attention to my biology teacher, Mrs. Calibs, and learned that humans bleed this sticky, red substance when hurt, called blood.

I had never seen real blood until today, much less a human. Humans can't live for long without it. I always envied humans of their souls, about a thousand times stronger than a monster, but also felt sorry for them. Human souls may be much, much stronger than ours, but most have no way to tap into that magic in the core.

It must be messy, being a human. If you breathe too much, you die. If you don't breathe, you die. If you lose too much blood, you die. If you have too much blood, you die. Just anything can kill a human. If you don't take your medicine, you die. If you take too much medicine, you die.

Chara's POV

I see Flowey summoning a vine down the bridge to catch Y/n, but he's too late. Blood is dripping down their head. I'm impressed. Flowey usually never does this- he would usually just let someone die and fall to their death instead. He's gotten soft. I check Flowey from the system.

* Flowey the Flower

* The 326 resets have malfunctioned his code, reverting his personality back to his previous state.

* ATK 80 DEF 80

* LOV 15

* HP U☠︎KN⚐︎WN/🕆︎N😐︎NO🕈︎N

Hm... So his HP stayed the same, and his code had a malfunction in the timelines before he started killing monsters. Pretty useful, to be honest. It would be a shame if Y/n died.

Wait a second... I Check Y/n.

* Y/n L/n

* The 9th fallen human... Right...?

* Uses Green magic, as well as a unique ability called Restore.

* ATK 99 DEF 99

* LOVE 20 (A/n: Remember, LOVE stands for Level Of ViolencE)

* HP 0.001/ErR□︎R

... LOVE 20...? What did they do? Did they kill someone? I could have sworn that their HP was 20, and LOVE was 1... What went wrong?

Flowey's POV

... They're almost out of HP...

"Hey, MK." MK looks at me.

"Could you, I don't know- stay with Y/n for a few minutes? I have to go do something." I wait for Mk to nod before nodding back and popping into the ground.

I pop out in front of the window sill of Sans and Papyrus's home and knock on the window with a vine. Like always, Smiley Trashbag is sitting on the couch, dozing. He looks at the window and lets me in.

"hey weed, what's up?" Smiley Trashbag looks down at me, waiting for an answer.

"Where's Papyrus? I need him for a few minutes." On cue, Papyrus stomps downstairs, looking pissed off.

"BROTHER! I TOLD YOU TO PICK UP YOUR SOCK! PICK IT UP!!" Papyrus looks down and sees me.

"HELLO FLOWEY, WHAT DO YOU NEED?" Papyrus picks up Sans by the hood of his jacket and glares at him at the same time.

"I need both of you for a moment. Smiley Trashbag, use a shortcut to the room before Hotland. The one with the bridge." The Smiley Trashbag doesn't look happy being ordered around but nods anyway. He snaps his fingers and with a flash of blue, the three of us teleport to where I left Y/n and Mk.

Papyrus's POV


Sans's POV

oh... i guess that's why the weed wanted me to come here. he needed me to teleport the three of us here, and papyrus to heal y/n.

i look over to papyrus. there was a horrified expression on his face when he checked them. (A/n: No one but the individual can check the EXP or LOVE. The only reason Chara can is because of their small authority over the system.)

"papyrus, i need you to use your magic and heal-" papyrus cuts me off by running to the human.

"IT IS ALRIGHT, BROTHER. I KNOW WHAT TO DO." papyrus concentrates and takes out their soul, (Another A/n: A'ight, about the first chapter- I'll be choosing your soul's trait, color, and size for you, okay?- Sorry, at that time I didn't have anything planned.) a yellow and gray mix with black covering about a fourth of the soul. cracks outline the middle of the soul, shocking me, papyrus, and flowey.

"Whoa. What happened to the human's soul? Is it supposed to look like that?" mk startles me, i had forgotten he was there.

"SANS... MY MAGIC CAN'T HEAL THIS SEVERE OF A SOUL WOUND... THE BEST I CAN DO IS HEAL Y/N'S HP." papyrus looks guiltily at me, and starts healing their hp.

"it's okay, papyrus. we'll find a way somehow." i try to reassure him, but it's not working.

"How about using my house for the human to recover? Mk says it's the least I could do for them." my eyesockets widen at undyne's proposal, so i nod before she changes her mind.

Time skip to later

??? POV

"Come on... Come on..." I spam the keys on my keyboard.

The door creaks open, interrupting me. I roll my eyes at the door.

"I know, I know. I'll be down in a minute." I answer an unasked question.

"Okay, brother. I'll be waiting for you downstairs." My sister turns around and closes the door to my room.

I take off my headset and save my game before turning off my computer, grumbling at the amazing timing my sister chose to come in.

Time skip to later- I'm lazy alright?-

"So, about the game you were playing before I called you down..." I groan, knowing what my sister would say next.

"Yes, you can play Undertale with me after dinner, Sis." She beams at me

A/n: *Le Gasp* Have y'all figured it out yet? I think I've given enough hints- See y'all next week!

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