Your POV
"A reset is..." You hold your breath.
"Nana." What?
"What's 'Nana' Flowey?" You wait for an answer.
Flowey winks at Sans. You don't get it. Was there a joke going on?
"nana ya business! got ya, kiddo." Sans bursts out laughing, as well as Flowey.
"..." Did you think that you actually would get an answer? Yes, you did. And you would. But for now.. You crack a huge smile and burst out laughing.
"Hey guys, are any of you cold?" You try but fail to wipe off the grin on your face.
"Now that you say it, it is kinda cold in here." Flowey nods.
"If you are, you should go in a corner." Flowey looks suspicious of you.
"How come?" Your grin widens like Sans usually does.
"Because Flowey..." You glance at Sans. He nods at you.
"the corner is always 90 degrees!" You and Sans say it at the same time.
"... I hate you both.." Flowey grumbles. You hear banging, and Papyrus comes out of his room.
"Sorry, Papyrus. Oh, and thanks for lending me your room. You rock." You point to a sprinkle-covered rock on a plate on the table behind you.
"Tibia honest, I've had a ton of stuff to do. A skele-ton." Papyrus looks utterly horrified. You and Sans snicker.
"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!! GOODBYE!" Papyrus stomps upstairs back to his room in a huff.
The two of you make puns for the rest of the day. Flowey eventually went to Papyrus's room to 'avoid hearing those nasty puns and jokes.'
Papyrus bursts out of his room with Flowey around his arm.
"HUMAN! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, SHALL MAKE THE GUEST ANOTHER PLATE OF MY AMAZING SPAGHETTI! IF YOU WERE WONDERING, FLOWEY SAID HE WAS GOING OUT." You suddenly feel sick to your stomach. Not from Flowey leaving, you knew he would be fine- but the spaghetti.
"... Hey Papyrus, can I help with the spaghetti?" If you were going to eat it, you could help Papyrus make his spaghetti more... edible.
"OF COURSE, OTHER HUMAN!" Papyrus takes your hand and drags- brings you to the kitchen.
You watch how Papyrus made his spaghetti. Everything was going fine at first. You watched Papyrus boil water- which was fine- and added a generous amount of salt- which was also fine-until he got to adding the spaghetti. He was about to throw the entire contents of the spaghetti box in the pot- the box included. You now understood the cardboardy taste of the spaghetti.
"Papyrus, you don't need to throw the box in." Papyrus looks confused and stops what he was doing. His gloved hand is gripping the box of spaghetti- just above the pot. Was he self-taught?
"BUT OTHER HUMAN, THAT IS THE WAY UNDYNE TAUGHT ME!" Oh. So he wasn't self-taught. You mentally add reteaching Undyne how to make spaghetti.
"Everything is fine Papyrus, you just don't need to add the box in." Papyrus understands and pours in the spaghetti- without the box.
Everything was going to be fine now, right? Papyrus turns the stove to the max. You were about three feet away from the stove, and you could feel the heat. Amazingly, Papyrus was only one foot away from the stove, and he looked unbothered. Was that because he was used to it, or because he's a skeleton and doesn't have nerves? Meh. It might have been both.
"Papyrus, you don't need to put the heat to the max, you'll just burn the spaghetti." Sheesh- you wouldn't be surprised if Papyrus added glitter next.
"OH, OK OTHER HUMAN!" Papyrus turns to heat to seven instead.
"Oh, and Papyrus?" Papyrus turns his head away from the pot to look at you.
"YES, OTHER HUMAN?" Papyrus looks confused.
"My name is Y/n." Papyrus nods.
"OK, OTHE- Y/N!" Papyrus corrects himself and turns his head back to the spaghetti.
The spaghetti is finished boiling at this point, so now it was time to make the sauce. Papyrus takes out tomatoes from the fridge, places them on a cutting board, and almost smashes the tomatoes to a pulp. Thankfully, you were there to stop him in time. Everything after that was pretty normal. The spaghetti is finished, so you turn off the stove, and Papyrus picks up the pot with his- bare hands?!- well, that was pretty understandable- he didn't have any nerves.
"sure." Papyrus looks positively surprised.
"REALLY?! WOWIE!!! MAYBE YOU'RE NOT AS LAZY AS YOU USED TO BE!!!" Papyrus is beaming, and you grin. You hear the sound of something being thrown on the floor. You see Sans's hand in front of you. The hand is detached from its body. You muffle a scream with your hands. Papyrus looks utterly horrified and annoyed.
"THERE THERE HUMAN! IT IS OKAY! US SKELETONS DO THIS ALL THE TIME!" You feel reassured, though you thought that it was normal.
You go get the plates while Papyrus waits with a fork- is it a fork? It looked too big to be a fork- and Sans is reattaching his hand back to his arm. Papyrus gets the spaghetti on each plate and you all dig in :)
"wow, papyrus. you've improved since last time. thanks for helping, y/n." Sans whispers the last part so Papyrus wouldn't hear.
"WOWIE!! THANKS BROTHER!" Papyrus beams at Sans.
Timp skip to after eating because Author-Chan is lazy and doesn't wanna write this part :)
Your POV
You wait until you were certain that Sans and Papyrus were asleep. You get up from the couch- You were sleeping on the couch in the living room while the two brothers were sleeping in their rooms. You wanted answers on what a reset was, so you would get them. You felt a bit bad for snooping, but you wanted- needed to know. You look around downstairs first, but nothing. So you had to look upstairs, in Sans and Papyrus's room. Papyrus most likely didn't know what a reset was, considering Flowey and Sans had their voices down when they were talking. So Sans's room it was. You sneak upstairs and hesitantly open Sans's door, cringing from the loud squeak the hinge made. Said skeleton was still asleep, so you look around from the doorway to see if anything looked like it concerned resets. You see a notebook on the table, and you decide to take the chance. You tiptoe into Sans's room, get the notebook, and speed tiptoe out of there. You reach downstairs and look around before opening the notebook.
Sans's POV
i hear my door creak, so i turn my head towards to sound and see y/n getting the notebook from the table in my room. i grin. i had purposely placed the notebook there for y/n to get. i thought that y/n would do this, and my guesses are usually right. i'm not that stupid that i would just place the notebook in plain sight. i'll just go back to sleep, see if y/n returned the notebook, and if they didn't, i would just get it myself.
Hey guys! Author here- This chapter was mostly fluff- kind of. Happy New Year! That's all I wanted to say- well, see y'all in the next chapter!

Undertale Reader Insert
FanficYou fall down a hole, and meet a talking flower, a goat lady, a comedian, a cook, a fish lady, a reptile, a robot, and a fluffy pushover :D