Chapter 5

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Your POV

You enter a room with two paths. Left or straight. Flowey instructs you to go left which results in entering a room with a cozy-looking house with a big tree in front.

"Do I enter the house?" You ask Flowey.

"No, you sit under the branches until the universe ends." Flowey's sarcasm is obvious.

Red leaves are underneath the branches. You see a flicker for green and yellow before it disappeared. You write it off as a trick in the light.

Grayish dust is on the leaves. You immediately recognize it as monster dust. You had seen so much of that stuff that you had gotten to the point you knew it from anywhere. You wonder why the tree had no leaves. There wasn't a single leaf on the tree's branches. There were only leaves under the branches.

"... Y/n?" Flowey seems concerned about how quiet and still you had been.

"Why doesn't the tree have any leaves?" You're curious

"Every time this old tree grows any leaves, they fall right off. Let's continue." Flowey explains it to you.

You go on and head in the house.

The house inside of the house, unlike the Ruins which had a theme of purple and lilac, had a theme of beige. A strong but fading smell of Cinnamon- or was it Butterscotch?-hits you directly in the face. There were three ways to go in the house. Left, right, or straight- with stairs going down to the- basement? You wonder how that worked. Weren't you hundreds of feet under the surface? Isn't this a very big basement?- Never mind that. You decide to follow the smell and turn left.

You enter a living room. There was a table with a bowl of fruit to your left. A comfy-looking armchair is to your right, with a bookshelf in front. You go to check out one of the books on the shelf. 72 Uses For Snails.

... Nevermind- You continue following the smell. It leads to the kitchen. A half-eaten pie is on the counter. It had- dog prints?- on it. You inhale as much of the warm Butterscotch-cinnamon scent as you could for a moment.

"You know you can take a slice of two right? The pie isn't going to eat itself." That was all you needed. You take a kitchen knife and cut two slices of the same size- big enough to fit a plate- for you and Flowey. If he didn't want it... Well, more for you, you guess.

"Thanks, Y/n. It's been a while since I've had her pie." Oh, so he did want it. Said flower summons a vine to hold the fork. He didn't have hands after all.-

You take a small nibble of the pie. Your senses are overwhelmed with the warm, sweet taste of Butterscotch and Cinnamon together. You don't want to eat it all in one go, so you put it in your Inventory.

Flashback to half an hour ago

Your POV

"So, let me get this straight. You have an Inventory, that you can access by going through the Menu. You can put things inside your Inventory by concentrating, the same way you can open your Menu. You can also Use, Info(Check it), or Drop the item" You say to make sure.

"Correct, keep going." Flowey encourages you.

"You can use choose Info by pressing it, it shows you what Armor and Weapon you have equipped, your EXP, or EXecution Points, how much EXP you're from getting to the next LOVE (Level Of ViolencE), and how much Atk and Def you have. You can also use call anyone-if you have their number. Am I right, Flowey?" You recite the new information to the best of your ability.

"Correct." Flowey pats your shoulder with a vine.

End Flashback

You put the slice of pie in your Inventory, and you press Info to Check it.

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