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Janice awoke to the sound of the door to the hotel room closing; her sister Alice had just come in. The closed curtains hid the early signs of dawn's arrival.

'You were up all night, weren't you? With Gabriel?' she says struggling to fully open her eyes and indeed sounding like she only just woke.

Alice didn't need to answer; the smile on her face told its own story. Janice at this moment knew for sure that her sister was somehow different, somehow changed. Before now, it had been only a feeling. Alice's current demeanour is definitely a whole lot different to how it has ever been before.

'Why you and not me?' Janice asked.

'Do not worry sister' responded Alice, 'Gabriel has big plans for us, both of us.'

Alice got into bed.

'So, you're not coming down for breakfast then so?'

'You know I can't sister', with that Alice turned on her side, facing away from her twin. Janice got dressed, grabbed her jacket, and made her way to the hotel restaurant.

Being so early, there weren't many down for breakfast just yet, however it was clearly obvious that the nighttime activity had only just come to a conclusion. It is more than probable than many of the hotel's current guest won't be coming down for any kind of breakfast. Janice glanced across the restaurant. Her parents had yet to come down. Gabriel, however, was there sitting alone in the restaurant at a table about halfway down and towards the left-hand side and away from the windows. He signalled an inviting wave for Janice to come join him. She did.

Janice inquired as to why Gabriel seemed to have a preference to her sister Alice over her. He responded by telling Janice that there was no such preference and as he had already told Alice he had plans for them both. Janice wanted to question Gabriel on those plans in regards as to what they may be, but she did not get the opportunity to do so. For the moment, it did not matter to her anyway. She would be a willing participant to whatever they may be. Whatever it was or is about Gabriel, the girls were both mesmerized by him.

Gabriel noticed the arrival to the dining room of Brian and Denise before Janice as Janice had her back to the restaurant entrance. It's safe to say that Brian was not happy at all to see one of his daughters sitting with that guy. He meant the warning he had dispatched the night before.

Wanting to keep trouble to a minimum, Gabriel stood up, glanced over at Brian while placing his napkin on his empty plate. Having moved away from the table, Gabriel looked back at Janice and told her that they would talk again soon, and then moved to leave the room, pausing to make eye contact with Brian before continuing on towards the exit.

Brian was definitely not happy at all and didn't back off as a response to Gabriel's stare down, instead he offered a more menacing stare to reiterate his warning without speaking. Before deciding to say anything to either Janice or Denise, Brian calmed himself down somewhat. Janice joined her parents as they sat at a table quite a distance away from the one that Gabriel had got up from.

Denise asked Janice as to where Alice was. Janice, wanting to cover for her sister, told her mum that Alice was not feeling so well. Denise wanted to go see Alice, but Janice told her mum that Alice hadn't slept much during the night and had only just fallen asleep not long before Janice left to come down for breakfast. This is a truth though not a whole truth and Janice also said she would bring some breakfast back to her sister for if and when she felt up for eating any of it.

'Janice, I don't like the thoughts of you or your sister for that matter spending time with this guy. You're a fifteen-year-old girl and he is a fully grown man and a stranger at that, and the fact that he thinks he is a vampire too, well things are more than just a little disturbing' spoke Brian, deciding to break his silence.

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